Category Archives: Meditation

Meditation is nothing magical but it IS deffo life changing

Meditation is not anything magical, altho you’re sure to have a-ha moments and begin to have mystical experiences when you begin a meditation practice. (To hear the attention-seekers, unless you’re taking astral flight or seeing angels and talking to Masters, you’re not doing it right. Ignore those folks, that’s part of their path — to compete and try to out-do. That leaves them stuck and having no real experiences — let them be, move on.)

And by mystical experiences, I mean SEEING CLEARLY. When you see clearly, new worlds open to you. When your mind settles down, even for 20 minutes twice a day, it clears and new ideas begin to come to you. When your mind clears, even briefly, you can see the bigger picture. You can see it’s all manageable. An inbox that seemed overwhelming, upon closer inspection, is not. A stack of calls to be returned go quickly. The To Do List gets crossed off.

RELATED:  Andrea’s Meditation Process and Links

Nightly Meditation: My Magical Healing Bed

Since I work alone the past 27 years, I hafta be the one who motivates myself. I developed a 3 step system that works for me.  1.  At end of each work day, I make a To Do List for the next day. On the left, I write everything I have to do that day. On the right, I list everything else I have to do.   2.  Before I go to bed, I read over the things I have to do the next day. I spend a few moments seeing myself breeze through getting it done.  3.  When I wake up, I bring to mind the day’s tasks and again run it through my head for a few minutes.  By doing these 3 steps, I’m not only psyching myself up for the work, I’m pre-paving a fast and easy job.

I’ve been doing a lot of yard work as the weather gets cooler, and really loving it.  The west woods was cleared of palmettoes and underbrush I’ve been digging up and moving a dozen plants and trees a day over there from elsewhere in the east yard. By the time I’m done, I’m SORE AND ACHEY  and ready for bed. I thought I’d share My Magical Healing Bed Process since that’s when I remind the cells of my body what we’re there for.  My process is to Self Talk Myself Into Healing using helpful phrases. Here’s the script I use, try it for yourself. You’ll find comfort and relief. Continue reading

A visualization to funnel money from the sky into your bank account

I talked to someone new last night who was unfamiliar with the concept of using creative visualization to attract something into her life. She has a happy enough life but like most of us would love more money. As I listened to her questions and concerns, I realized hers was not a matter of having resistance due to paying attention to troubling things in other parts of her life. She had always just made $2,000 per month and she never really thought about making any more than that.  Essentially she set her sights too low. She knew she would make $2,000 a month easily but then when the economy changed, that wasn’t really enough. She has no investments and lives paycheck to paycheck, however $2,000 month lets her squeak by.  Continue reading

An email reading: How do I draw him closer?

This is an excerpt from an email reading. A friend writes, “I met a nice guy, we’ve been out 6 times in the last month. He never checks his phone when we’re together, so I know he compartmentalizes his time. He went on a scheduled trip for a family reunion last week and I’ve not heard from him since. I sent a text saying let me know when you get there. What is up with his silences? How do I draw him closer – and how do I work with my own stressors to not project that onto him.”

Andrea responds: It’s just the old ebb and flow, the rubber band effect of the new encounter. Detach for a few days and it will resume. You may not hear from him this weekend so stay mobile. I don’t feel a giant connection with him just yet but he’s not gone. When I “feel” the connection, I’m feeling the emotional attachment. He doesn’t attach easily or well but he’s not being aloof, he’s just slow to make his way because he’s learned the lesson of getting too close too soon. He knows the infatuation period is where much talk and defining can ruin what might become.  When a guy starts to back away, you should do the same. Not as a game of cat and mouse but to restore balance and desire in a relationship by reading the signs that he needs time and space to integrate. Continue reading

Meditation twice a day breaks the cycle of busywork

Everyone will have the May Horizons this week. It seems I’m always waiting for somewhere to open so I can take care of business. By noon I’ve put in an 8 hour day. I like jumping into work as soon as I wake up. That’s when I have my most energy and am most successful at multitasking.  Because as a reformed type A personality, it’s all about how much can I get done all at one time, right? Is that because that’s how I measure success or is it simply that I justify all the staying in motion as something that needs to be done in order to move forward? I do feel the need to stay in motion and move forward although I’ll be the first to admit I spend a whole lot of time coasting.  But my brain and body have grown so accustomed to being busy that it’s the default program. That’s why I meditate twice a day, to remind myself I am more than this body, I am more than the thoughts that come out of this brain. So twice a day I have the opportunity to see whether I’m doing busy work or if I’m actually doing something that needs to be done.  Work? Play? I don’t always make the right decision. But twice a day I give myself a reminder and the opportunity. My mind is always subject to change upon evolution of consciousness.

RELATED: My meditation process and links

Meditation helps me unkink my mental hose

I was outside setting the sprinkler and kept moving it this way and that to make sure I got optimum coverage. As soon as I got it in place however, the water stopped. WTH?? I traced it back to the source and saw that way, way back the hose began to kink and I didn’t notice it. As I inched it along, the kink got tighter until I cut off my flow altogether. I’ve done that with my connection to Source energy at times. I may not notice I’m inching along, cutting off little by little as I twist around this situation or that person, until I’m halted in my tracks. That’s why I meditate, so that at least twice a day I am checking my hose for kinks that cut me off from my goodness.   Continue reading

Meditation is a staging area for my thoughts

Give your ideas some breathing room and a staging area. When I’m working on something, it’s important to have a dedicated work space but equally important to have an clear staging area. The staging area lets me try things out without being crammed for space. I like space between my molecules. Meditation gives me that. I’ve found meditation to be like a staging area for my thoughts and ideas. It gives them empty space to play out a bit, to formulate a bit on their own and attract more thoughts and ideas like them. And I don’t have to ask for an answer to something specific. Even if all I do is follow my breath, not even counting it, thoughts can arise that can answer my unasked questions. Give your ideas some breathing room and a staging area and see what unfolds for you in the next 12 months.   Continue reading

A Shortcut to Attracting Money

dollars in handA friend and I were doing some visualization this morning to get money flowing. He has his home up for sale and wrote, “It hasn’t attracted anyone yet but I know it is coming soon. I keep holding the vision of the check in the bank account, at the same time feeling the excitement and gratitude that the home has been sold and the money is already available.” I told him I know a shortcut that’s more effective in making the dollars appear sooner. Here it is.   Continue reading

Meditations (the Ram Practices) from Paulo Coelho’s The Pilgrimage

Paulo Coelho, pronounced Co-El-You

Paulo Coelho, pronounced Co-El-You

I’m reading Paulo Coelho’s The Pilgrimage about his experience on the Camino de Santiago. It includes some excellent meditations. I have been doing the seed meditation the last two days and last night I dreamed I woke up and went for a walk. It was unlike any walk I’ve ever taken before, in a dream or otherwise.  There’s is a good interview with Paulo Coelho –> here.  In Coelho’s cosmology, the most mundane of events is always miraculous. When I’m in his vibe, it’s the same for me. Below I’ve included Coehlo’s meditations from The Pilgrimage.    Continue reading

An email reading: She has ongoing health issues

who what where when signQuestion:  My health, I have a lot of medical problems, like shortness of breath very frequently all tests on my lungs have come out ok and inhalers do not work. I am also on different medicines than I was a year ago when this started. The doctors cannot figure it out. It is hard to breathe most days. also when I lie down especially during the early mornings starting about 1:00am my heart start racing. It feels like it is going to jump out of my body. I’ve taken every heart test and I do not have heart proble­ms at all. I have to sit up and get out of bed to make it stop. I’m tired all the time. I also fell back in 2013 did not hit my head but I developed a pressure in my head that feels like my head is in a vise and someone keeps squeezing the handle tighter. I get headaches but this is different. The only meds I am on is for acid reflux and blood pressure and Plavix for blood thinner due to a stroke in 2013.  The medicines give me dry mouth really bad. I have severe back and knee problems.  I take Oxycodone 5mg am and pm with my acid reflux because it keeps me from coughing due to side affects. I eat right and exercise 4 or 5 days a week at the gym. I do not drink or smoke.  i hope this isn’t too many details.   Continue reading