Meditation is a staging area for my thoughts

Give your ideas some breathing room and a staging area. When I’m working on something, it’s important to have a dedicated work space but equally important to have an clear staging area. The staging area lets me try things out without being crammed for space. I like space between my molecules. Meditation gives me that. I’ve found meditation to be like a staging area for my thoughts and ideas. It gives them empty space to play out a bit, to formulate a bit on their own and attract more thoughts and ideas like them. And I don’t have to ask for an answer to something specific. Even if all I do is follow my breath, not even counting it, thoughts can arise that can answer my unasked questions. Give your ideas some breathing room and a staging area and see what unfolds for you in the next 12 months.  

RELATED:  Andrea’s Meditation Process and links
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