Meditation is nothing magical but it IS deffo life changing

Meditation is not anything magical, altho you’re sure to have a-ha moments and begin to have mystical experiences when you begin a meditation practice. (To hear the attention-seekers, unless you’re taking astral flight or seeing angels and talking to Masters, you’re not doing it right. Ignore those folks, that’s part of their path — to compete and try to out-do. That leaves them stuck and having no real experiences — let them be, move on.)

And by mystical experiences, I mean SEEING CLEARLY. When you see clearly, new worlds open to you. When your mind settles down, even for 20 minutes twice a day, it clears and new ideas begin to come to you. When your mind clears, even briefly, you can see the bigger picture. You can see it’s all manageable. An inbox that seemed overwhelming, upon closer inspection, is not. A stack of calls to be returned go quickly. The To Do List gets crossed off.

RELATED:  Andrea’s Meditation Process and Links