Monthly Archives: March 2016

It’s comforting to know we get more than one lifetime

oak seed textSometimes I forget who I’m talking to. I was in the yard and a neighbor stopped to chat. She explained her head scarf was because she was losing her hair from chemo. I said “Modern medicine is amazing.” She said her prospects were not good. I said, “Then it’s great we have more than just one life, so when one body wears out we get another and another, lifetime after lifetime.” She stared at me and asked, “Where on earth did you get such an idea?” “Oh, it’s the only thing that makes sense.” I said. “It gets interesting when we wake up and realize that we are all part of something bigger and we all get never-ending lifetimes to do it all in. Think about it.”   Continue reading

Book Review The Butterfly Book: The Inner Journey to the Beloved by Elizabeth Stamper

Butterfly Book coverI just finished reading Elizabeth Stamper‘s book and enjoyed taking the journey with her. She’s always elegant and insightful. I bought the Kindle version for instant gratification. I read it in one sitting. Here’s my review: 
Enjoyable, insightful, a perfect script to attract your own Beloved.  Writing as a spiritual practice: as a writer and spiritual seeker, I know how powerful and productive daily writing can be. Elizabeth’s turns of phrase and prose lull me into a place of sacred silence and reflection. As a publisher in the field of body/mind/spirit, I view everything through that filter. As I read Elizabeth’s story, I recognize that she feels a connection to Presence and is using what some would call affirmations and creative visualization to make the law of attraction work in her favor, feeding her intention with her attention. She uses none of those words, however, and her writing reflects a Buddhist view.
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Joy LightIt does not matter what is going on in the rest of the world, we can chose to focus our thoughts in a way that attracts to us exactly what we want in our lives. We can change our thoughts and discipline our behaviors so much that we can have an excellent and prosperous life no matter who is in office, no matter what the official state of the economy, no matter what the scientists or environmentalists say is happening around us.

I got a big reminder tonight why disconnecting cable last November was the right thing to do. I was on a call and her husband had cable tv on in the background. I’d forgotten about commercials! omg! I kept cable for so long because I was used to it. Since I didn’t understand how all the options worked, it seemed like such a hassle to switch. Even tho I usually watched with the sound off, I kept the remote at the ready to mute at the first sign a commercial was coming. I didn’t realize how much adrenline I was generating when I thought I was relaxing. And I’d mostly let the cable listings scroll on the screen instead of watching anything. That activated my dopamine: always on the hunt for something that might interest me. A galpal laughed at me years ago when she sat at my Adobe Pagemaker screen and saw I had so many options windows open yet only a small viewing screen for the layout itself. “I like seeing what all my options are!” Once I broke my addiction to the dopamine rush of viewing the cable listing lineup (my options!), the spell of cable tv was broken. Life without commercials is a whole new world. One where I can hear myself think my own thoughts. And between Netflix and HuluPlus, I get everything I got on cable anyway.

RELATED: How I finally unplugged from cable
I wasn’t addicted to cable, I was addicted to the cable guide

Palmistry: The Hopeful Thumb of Donald Trump

Yes, they look like small hands to me, but this isn't about that

Yes, they look like small hands to me, but this isn’t about that

“Look at those hands, are they small hands?” Well, yeah, now that I look. Small hands, short fingers, adults know hand size/penis size doesn’t always match but how about the palmistry of Trump?

If he’s a contender, for office, it’s good know what we’re working with and believe it or not, there’s hope.  Those with small hands tend to think big and delegate. While his stiff hand shows a rigid personality, of note to me is that Trump has the flexible thumb. That means he can be flexible and he can flip flop, but I feel that bodes well for him being flexible if he makes it into public office. The flexible thumb is a good indicator of readiness to accept and adapt to challenges and fluctuations in life. Although currently mis-guided, he’s a very passionate and driven individual and it’s possible his passion and vision can be harnessed and channelled to do good. Help me hold that vision?   Continue reading

It’s not what we’re doing, it’s what we think about what we’re doing

man sun rainHow do you live in the same house and attract a different experience than your roomie? Maybe he listens to tv news and worries about the economy. Maybe you garden and build birdhouses and walk the dog. Maybe he’s worried he might lose his job, go bald, have a heart attack. Maybe you remember it somehow all works out.

It’s not so much what we’re DOING that determines what we attract, it’s what WE THINK ABOUT what we’re doing.

No tugging!

woman tugged uponEveryone isolates now and again. A galpal said it well: “I like solitude when I’m in overload. I don’t want anyone tugging, needing, pulling, poking, asking, manipulating, knudging, interrupting, expecting, demanding, obligating, wondering, invading, silencing, questioning, bothering, engaging, or even embracing me. I don’t get to that place often but when I do, I detach and allow myself the absolute silence and peaceful solitude necessary to become balanced once again. Sometimes it feels selfish but I know that it is necessary for me to be me at my best.”

No I wouldn’t move

ive got the powerAm I moving out of the country if Trump is elected president? There’s no reason to give anyone that much power over me and my happiness. As far as I can see, nothing will change with me and my happy life. If for some reason I’m unable to do what I now do for income, I’ll find something else to do. If for some reason I can no longer live where I’m living, I’ll find somewhere else to live. I don’t need to know ahead of time HOW these things are going to come about. I just need to have the expectation and belief they will. I have faith everything will work out since that’s always been my experience. My desire to thrive in whatever condition I find myself in taps me in to my intuition and moves me forward toward solutions. I’m always on the lookout for solutions and fun ways of being and guess what? I always find them because I know I’ve got the power. The power to focus on what needs to be done in the moment and the power to stick with it until it’s done. And the power to choose to love it at every stage along the way, no matter who is elected.

RELATED: A Call to Lightworkers to hold the vision of Trump’s Awakening
Palmistry: The Hopeful Thumb of Donald Trump  
No I wouldn’t move

I don’t watch it

caterpillar to butterfly textA friend asked why I’m not freaked about the election. Easy, I don’t watch the news. I pay attention to what’s in front of me right now in my own life. A lot of stuff freaks us out when we believe we only have one life to get it right or get it done.

The people and circumstances we attract depends upon our focus

Something new being offered. He doesn't see it, nor the 3 previously offered

Four of Cups. Opportunity being offered. He doesn’t see it, nor the 3 previously offered

I finally listened to a friend’s video and understand what the problem is. I live in the same town he does but we live in two very different worlds because we each choose a different focus. He said he considers most spiritual practice to be the practice of denial and that he’s lost most of his former spiritual community because of that belief. But he misunderstands. He hasn’t “lost most of his former spiritual community” because he believes them to be “in denial of what’s really happening.” He’s lost them because all he does is angrily point out what there is to be afraid of and how things are always going wrong. He said it’s time for God to start supporting the people who want to do the right thing. If he looked for evidence of that, I think he’d be pleasantly surprised. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here’s the back story.  The last several years he makes daily videos chronicling the ongoing conflict he encounters.  He’s lost his home and been ripped off by those professing to care. I gave him my input and suggestions years ago, but it wasn’t for him. You can’t tell anyone something they aren’t ready to hear. I wrote about it in Sept 2008 –> A dream with Dr. Mary and she’s got a messageContinue reading