Book Review The Butterfly Book: The Inner Journey to the Beloved by Elizabeth Stamper

Butterfly Book coverI just finished reading Elizabeth Stamper‘s book and enjoyed taking the journey with her. She’s always elegant and insightful. I bought the Kindle version for instant gratification. I read it in one sitting. Here’s my review: 
Enjoyable, insightful, a perfect script to attract your own Beloved.  Writing as a spiritual practice: as a writer and spiritual seeker, I know how powerful and productive daily writing can be. Elizabeth’s turns of phrase and prose lull me into a place of sacred silence and reflection. As a publisher in the field of body/mind/spirit, I view everything through that filter. As I read Elizabeth’s story, I recognize that she feels a connection to Presence and is using what some would call affirmations and creative visualization to make the law of attraction work in her favor, feeding her intention with her attention. She uses none of those words, however, and her writing reflects a Buddhist view.

A pleasant life but wanting more, she began to write to her unknown partner-to-be whom she eventually married. The story is interesting, well written and the letters are exquisite. Elizabeth shares enough detail to pull you into the story and make you feel you are there, feeling with her the longing, the anticipation. She knows that’s part of the attraction process, imagining it and feeling it. She’s good at keeping you in the story. Her message with The Butterfly Book is that when you dream it and write it, you prepare the inner and outer space for what you seek to appear. Her personal revelations about relationship are relevant, astute and at times comedic. While it is a most interesting and insightful personal journey, this book is more importantly a perfect script, a detailed lesson plan for a daily practice for anyone wishing to find their own Beloved, to attract their own partner, as well as find peace within themselves on the topic of relationship.

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