Palmistry: The Hopeful Thumb of Donald Trump

Yes, they look like small hands to me, but this isn't about that

Yes, they look like small hands to me, but this isn’t about that

“Look at those hands, are they small hands?” Well, yeah, now that I look. Small hands, short fingers, adults know hand size/penis size doesn’t always match but how about the palmistry of Trump?

If he’s a contender, for office, it’s good know what we’re working with and believe it or not, there’s hope.  Those with small hands tend to think big and delegate. While his stiff hand shows a rigid personality, of note to me is that Trump has the flexible thumb. That means he can be flexible and he can flip flop, but I feel that bodes well for him being flexible if he makes it into public office. The flexible thumb is a good indicator of readiness to accept and adapt to challenges and fluctuations in life. Although currently mis-guided, he’s a very passionate and driven individual and it’s possible his passion and vision can be harnessed and channelled to do good. Help me hold that vision?  

On April 20, 2016, the planet Uranus moves into his 9th house of philosophy — the search for meaning. It may very well be that Trump will have an awakening and a change of heart and mind to see that compassionate and inclusive changes take place. It may very well be that an awakened Donald Trump is not the scary monster that he appears to be now.  I say this so we can stop fearing him and turn our thoughts to the best possible “what if” and pre-pave that instead. I’ll bet with group effort, whether you call it visualization, spellcasting or prayer, we can pre-pave an awakening in consciousness for Trump. Remember to only wish for him what you wish for us all.

During Uranus through the 9th house, lasting about 7 years, one may experience a transformation in matters relating to goals, religious beliefs and personal philosophy. There may be radical and unexpected changes. New insights are stimulated. This is a period of great and thorough revolution in understanding. If the worst case scenario happens, I’m still hopeful. Hey, silver linings, right? I ask you to hold the vision with me of an awakened, compassionate Trump. We can help bring that about by how we look at him, how we perceive him, how we perceive what he’s doing and how we perceive what grand good he may be capable of.

 Why hold a vision of an awakened, compassionate Trump? Because he’s getting into politics and he has the means to make things happen. Yes, right now they are self-serving, mean and unconscionably hateful things but if this man becomes powerful on the political scene, just imagine the amount of good he could do if he had a change of heart? That’s why lightworkers and visionkeepers can hold a vision of his having an awakening, a compassionate softening of his heart due to new understanding dawning in him. If he’s on the rise to political power, pray for his awakening and know that when many minds are gathered together with vision in prayer, miracles happen.

THE WORM’S WAKING by Rumi. This is how a human being can change: there’s a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he’s no longer a worm. He’s the entire vineyard,and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that doesn’t need to devour.

RELATED: A Call to Lightworkers to hold the vision of Trump’s Awakening
No I wouldn’t move

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