A Call to Lightworkers to hold the vision of Trump’s Awakening

Lightworkers, you can help us hold the vision

Lightworkers, you can help us hold the vision

In this election season and in particular today where mass consciousness emotions are high, I am calling out to Lightworkers and Vision Keepers to tap into that emotion and channel it in a positive direction. I’m asking you to hold the vision with me of awakened, compassionate candidates in the race. If you feel someone dangerous is on the rise to political power, pray for his awakening and know that when many minds are gathered together with vision in prayer, miracles happen. It’s been said that when just 1% of the population meditates upon peace and lovingkindness, the effect spreads to the other 99%and it works even if they don’t believe it. Here’s how we can help.

I know my centered-ness, my vision and my hopeful expectation can hold the space for others around me to tune into. My experience is if even one focused person can contemplate the scene and have faith in a successful outcome, that can entrain the consciousness of everyone, whether they are aware of it or not.

We can help bring that about by how we look at each candidate, how we perceive them, how we perceive what they are doing and how we perceive what grand good they may be capable of.  And I mean how we perceive not their physical, personality self, but how we perceive each at his/her essence. How we perceive each candidate separate from the overlay of any past history, hateful rhetoric and mean spirited jabs.

 Why hold a vision of an awakened, compassionate Trump, for instance? Because he’s getting into politics and he has the means to make things happen. Yes, right now they are self-serving, mean and unconscionably hateful things but if this man becomes powerful on the political scene, just imagine the amount of good he could do if he had a change of heart? That’s why lightworkers and visionkeepers can hold a vision of his having an awakening, a compassionate softening of his heart due to new understanding dawning in him. If he’s on the rise to political power, pray for his awakening and know that when many minds are gathered together with vision in prayer, miracles happen.


THE WORM’S WAKING by Rumi. This is how a human being can change: there’s a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he’s no longer a worm. He’s the entire vineyard,and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that doesn’t need to devour.

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