No I wouldn’t move

ive got the powerAm I moving out of the country if Trump is elected president? There’s no reason to give anyone that much power over me and my happiness. As far as I can see, nothing will change with me and my happy life. If for some reason I’m unable to do what I now do for income, I’ll find something else to do. If for some reason I can no longer live where I’m living, I’ll find somewhere else to live. I don’t need to know ahead of time HOW these things are going to come about. I just need to have the expectation and belief they will. I have faith everything will work out since that’s always been my experience. My desire to thrive in whatever condition I find myself in taps me in to my intuition and moves me forward toward solutions. I’m always on the lookout for solutions and fun ways of being and guess what? I always find them because I know I’ve got the power. The power to focus on what needs to be done in the moment and the power to stick with it until it’s done. And the power to choose to love it at every stage along the way, no matter who is elected.

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No I wouldn’t move

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