Category Archives: Uncategorized

Only love enters this space and only love leaves

wooded trailI spent much of yesterday trying to get back to sleep so I could have a proper wake up and start for the day. Too often I let my days and nights run together. That’s the beauty of working from home. I was about to nap at 8am when the man texted he was going for his walk. I vacuumed the floors and emptied the dishwasher before he got here. That gave me my second wind. I cooked breakfast while we visited, a spinach mushroom cheddar omelet atop a romaine and cherry tomato salad. We hung out on the porch under the tall oaks and watched Benny show off in the yard. My screened in back porch is surrounded by a hedge I keep pruned in a lacey fashion to let light and wind through and so I can watch the critters as they cross the yard. Sitting on the porch, you’re looking into the west woods, it’s a serene scene.   Continue reading

How do you know who to trust?

Someone you’ve known for a lifetime can suddenly turn into someone you don’t know. How do you know who to trust? By paying attention to your own integrity and keeping yourself in a good emotional place – whatever that takes. That is what keeps you in the company of good friends and happy situations. The faces may change, the locations may change, but when you make your first priority to maintain your own resonance in a place of integrity and fun, your life and everything in it will morph to keep you in that flow. Anyone who resonates otherwise will soon drop away. That’s how you know who to trust. By paying attention to your own integrity and keeping yourself in a good emotional place so you attract the same.

Psychic Fair Sunday November 22, 2015 at Book and Bead in Merritt Island. Have your questions ready.

psychic reader2-9-14 reading at Book and Bead copyThe next psychic fair will be Sunday November 22, 2015, at Book And Bead Outlet Merritt Island from 11:00am – 4:00pm. Readings are just $12 for 10 minutes. Call Chris at 321-453-2665 if you’d like an advance appointment. See the event flyer and store coupon –> here. See some of your favorite psychics including me! Stop by and say hi in person. FREE Admission. 950 N. Courtenay Pkwy in Merritt Island,FL 32953 just north of 520, located behind McDonald’s, turn right into shopping plaza.  At our session, have your questions ready.  At psychic fairs where mini readings are limited to 10 minutes in a crowded room, you’ll ask me a question.  “I don’t have a question,” many say, ” just tell me what you see around me.”      Continue reading

Samhain/Halloween/Day of the Dead: Make Peace With Your Ancestors

samhain-blessingsThis weekend is Samhain/Halloween and Day of the Dead, said to be a time of the thinning of the veil between our world and the nonphysical world of spirit. It’s a time to mark the ongoing cycle of life and death and honor our ancestors and loved ones who have passed. It’s a  time to move energy from darkness to light. This year, I had several loved ones pass and I’ll spend time tonight reflecting on our lineage and having known them.   Continue reading

The November 2015 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

November 2015 cover

November 2015 cover

The November Horizons is now online at  Here are the November 2015 Horoscopes by Barbara Lee:

Aries: May 20 to April 19 “I Am”
You may be taking a walk down memory lane in the sense that what you hold dearest and closest to you has changed, but has changed for the better. Your creative efforts in the future will secure you your greatest hopes  and wishes coming true. The key here is to follow your heart.

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Have kids? That’s your job the next 18 years

policeman textWe don’t create a generation of disresepectful, smart ass kids without a lot of neglect going into it. Siblings raise siblings out of necessity. Many home schooled are under educated. Whether we blame a tangled hands-tied system, fathers who don’t support financially or moms who can’t be bothered, the remedy is the same. If you have kids, that’s your job the next 18 years. Love them, spend time with them, include them in every part of your life. Commit to them being the first priority. Put finding a man to support you on the back burner. Commit to JUST raising your kids and the Universe will line up synchronicities that bring you help, whether it’s a partner or a job or an idea for a home business that all of you can be happily involved in. Don’t worry about HOW it will happen, make raising your kids the priority and watch the Universe come to your aid, in spades.

Florida weather = tropical means hot, muggy and buggy

I just returned from a great walk around the hood. It feels good to be out walking again first thing in the morning when it’s cool out. If you’re not from Florida, you think “nice balmy weather.” What we have 6 months of each year is humidity so hot and thick it’s like walking through steam and misquitoes that grab you the moment you’re out the door. So you can either live May to October wrapped in long sleeves and pants to avoid sunburn and misquitoes, or slather sunscreen and repellent on every exposed body part. Oooo if I could have my house and land in Carmel or Monterey, California, I would be there.

Tiger, tiger: How close does 15 rows seem now?

tiger in the woodsOn Facebook, I posted a link –> to an article and wrote “WWYD? She blows up because her husband’s former mistress is sitting 15 rows away at a football game? Isn’t that a public place and isn’t 15 rows a lot of distance? Folks need to stop looking for trouble, this is a small planet.” The next day I got a FB message from a friend saying their brand new neighbor is my ex. “How close does 15 rows seem now?” I had to smile since that’s about 15 blocks from me. I don’t care but what made me laugh was he’s on Tiger Street. On October 17, I wrote A tiger stalks me in the woods. The Universe is constantly keeping me in stitches.    Continue reading