Category Archives: Uncategorized

Old beliefs are my safety net until I feel firm in my expanded place

 We can all use a safety net sometimes

We can all use a safety net sometimes

Just when I thought I’d uncluttered all I could, I saw my office supply closet with new eyes.  I pulled out 6 old keyboards, 4 trackball mice, 20 lbs of manuals for software I haven’t had for ten years, packing boxes for every electronic device I’ve bought probably ever, miles of computer cable, microphones, headsets, chargers, routers, 10 key adding machine, cassette tape player/recorder, dozens of envelopes to mail out cassette tapes and a dozen small boxes. I moved these all out of the supply closet which left me with a lot more room and another big stack to go through in the living room to recycle or discard.  I have a habit of saving old equipment after it’s been replaced “in case something happens and I need to go back to it.”  I’ve never had to go back to it. Since it’s older and there’s so much new technology, it’s not like any of my friends want it, either. They have their own closets full of their own outdated equipment. I realize now that hanging on to stuff even though I’ve replaced it is a way for me to bridge the gap between what I know and what I’m learning. Between the old me and the new me in the making. My myth, my safety net is telling myself that, “well if I can’t do ___, then I can go back to my old way of doing things,” even if it’s a longer and harder road.  Upon reflection, I realize I’ve done that in my spiritual life as well, hanging on to old beliefs as a safety net ( in case my “new” beliefs didn’t pan out ) until I found my place firmly in my new, wider, more expanded territory. My old stuff, my old issues were familiar and unconsciously I felt comforted by them.  That’s why some have taken so long to drop and are still dropping. Every year I uncover another layer of the personality I know as me, and see more of the deeper Me, the essential Me, my SoulSelf within.

RELATED: We have to let go of what’s killing us, even if it kills us to let go
Links to other stuff I’ve written on My Uncluttering Adventures 

We have to let go of what’s killing us, even if it kills us to let go

I’ve been at it since 5am, shredding pounds of paper as I purge old files. It began with me shopping for another file cart, then it occurred to me, this is how clutter starts and clutter can suffocate the life out of you. I realized if I purged files, I could use the file cart I have now. I shredded 2 cartsfulMy life is an ever widening realization of what I do and do not have to hold on to. It’s getting easier to let go.

RELATED: Links to other stuff I’ve written on My Uncluttering Adventures 

Let’s hurl a fireball of Love across the world

Dear Brave Souls: This is a call for us to form a prayer carpet of our winged selves, flying over the people in need in our world, to in Spirit, shelter and inspire those who struggle. There is never a shortage of souls to pray into, for and toward. Remember, this very day… yes, many many souls are praying for YOU, and they do not even know your name. Let us do likewise every day. To raise up best energies and hurl them across our universe to those who can receive them, who may never know why or how or whom has sent a sudden inspiration, a sudden and just enough energy to keep going. I send love, hurling a fireball of Love across the world, to add to all the other lights that are traveling toward those in need of remembering that others of us, still know they are alive. Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Stop being afraid of UFOs

ufosFirst of all, UFO doesn’t mean spaceship. UFO means “something is airborne and we don’t know what it is until further investigation.” It could be a comet, it could be debris, it could be an optics error. Even if it is visitors from another planet/ galaxy/ dimension, It’s time we accept UFOs and stop being afraid of them. We let tv tell us who to be afraid of with scary stories. All life forms are precious and permitted by God to exist. Equal love for all! And you know what? If we’re wrong and they laser blast us on sight, all we’ll drop is this one body for this one lifetime. These are just our physical bodies , “we” survive in consciousness after death of the body.

RELATED: Remember “we” survive after death of the body
The End of Death As We Know It: What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like, As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition



We must know Who we are to navigate our world

bamboo water stones text

We meditate to discover who we really/essentially are, what we’re capable of and what is possible. Only when we begin to know who we are, can we correctly interpret the circumstances and events we find ourselves in. Until then, we’ll imagine wrongs and slights that only exist to a limited mind. These words came to me as I contemplated Frank DeMarco’s lines, “If you do not understand your internal life, you cannot understand your external life. To find your place in the world, you use clues from one to illuminate the other.”

Frank DeMarco Dialogues with The Guys Upstairs

Frank DeMarco“Your life has meaning, and with sincere effort you can find that meaning.” All your difficulties in 3D life could be seen as stemming from your misapprehension of your true condition. To the degree that you “see” [intuit, sense] your true position, your anxieties disappear, and with them, your problems. Then (only) do you see rather than hope that “All is well, all is always well.” If you do not know what you are, how can you know what is happening around you? If you do not understand your “internal” life, you cannot understand your “external” life, and if you cannot use clues from one to illuminate the other, you have little ability to find your place in the world.   In his blog, DeMarco discusses exploration with the non-physical world and his sessions of communication with disembodied entities he calls “TGU — the Guys Upstairs.”  Visit  –>
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Game of Thrones?

It’s all about perspective. A friend from the UK writes, “Just about to download the latest episode of Game Of Thrones – all about a land in turmoil, with multiple factions fighting each other, the unstoppable onward march of a zombie army and winter and darkness on the way – it’s nice to have a bit of light relief from reality.”  This references those who voted to leave the European Union but I was glad for the Game of Thrones recap. Friends watch it and the previews don’t appeal to me. Now I know why. People wonder why their lives are not filled with Love and Light. If they’d take their attention off turmoil (real or movies and tv) they’d stop resonating in harmony with conflict. When they stop resonating with conflict, conflict will slowly drop from their own personal lives.