I get my mortgage refinance!

After being turned down for refinance by my long time mortgage company,  my sweet galpal ChaCha LaBelle asked me when I could reapply. That reminded me this was not a halt, this was just a delay.  I got a referral to another mortgage lender and was told that each lender has their own criteria about […]

Why doesn’t Law of Attraction always work? How do I really do it? Why two versions of The Secret?

There’s still confusion over the 2 versions of The Secret DVD. I wrote in my Horizons Magazine blog post Why Does “The Secret” No Longer Contain The Secret? The Abraham-Hicks Back Story that the original version that contains Abraham-Hicks is the one with clear information on law of attraction, the least rhetoric and hyperbole.  With […]

Keep Telling That Story, You’ll Keep Living That Life: Program Your Inner Dialogue To Propel You Forward

I listened to the latest Abraham-Hicks cd on my drive to Ocala Monday.  As usual, there was a lot of helpful information and reminders.  One favorite line was “The only way unhappy people can stay in your life is if you focus on their unhappiness.” I thought how true that was.  We all have friends […]

Facebook quizzes; every little bit of insight helps

Is this year flying by or what?? Yesterday I drove to Ormond Beach, Ocala and Cassadaga and it’s a trip I love to make.  Usually I am returning phone calls as I drive, hands free of course.  I have this mega stereo headset that really blocks road noise and I put it on when I […]

Who cares? Nothing to hide, better things to do

I’m coming to the end of final layout on the June Horizons. I’ve never cut it this close before, and I got slammed with last minute ads.  About 10pm last night I got to a place where I know I can finish on time.  It means working 10-14 hours today, but it will be an […]