Do you warn friends, or let them have their own dream?

Thursday May 7, 2009.  Should I warn friends and family when I see them getting caught up in multi-level marketing schemes, and networking time-and-dollar-wasters?  Questions like this come up in readings all the time.  You have friends who belong to a national franchise named Wealth Something or Income Building Something and they are always running […]

Clearing my underbrush and managing the deadfall

Sunday, March 22, 2009.  Happy Sunday.  I spend much of yesterday out in my far backyard, clearing out some vines and limbs I’d cut back in November.  Since keeping up with the yard is a big job, I do it in stages.  Last November, I  cut back a lot of vines and tangled branches in […]

Don’t give thought to “psychic predictions” of disaster

Wednesday, after I’d written wrote about Endless loops of windows and popups, cleaning up your crap, I awoke Thursday to find my internet connection was down.  You can read about it at Getting Disconnected From Source.  Before I discovered the problem, I just thought I was having trouble getting AOL email to open.  So as […]

Take a one week news fast. How deep do you want to go?

Friday, February 27, 2009.   So which is it?  Does the government and the media control whether I’m optimistic about my future possibilities?  Or do I get my daily input from a higher source? That’s what I wrote to a friend of mine who was not quite sure about all this law of attraction buzz.  He […]

Transcript of a Psychic Reading on $$$, Breaking The Spell, How To Strengthen Willpower, A Helpful Self Talk Script

Here is a  transcript of a psychic reading I did for someone years ago.  Everyone likes to read those.   Names, as usual, have been changed.  Question: I noticed in one of my old issues of Horizons that you are in the directory for mentoring.   Tell me a little about the difference between your mentoring […]

Valentine’s Day; relationships

Monday February 9, 2009 Countdown to Cupid: Where to find a date by Saturday That’s what the AOL headline reads.  Then it suggests you go online to a dating website and hookup with someone and hurry, you’ve only got 6 days to do it.  Now I’m all for meeting people online but I’m also all […]

5-26-08 email from F:   So Let me make sure I have this right I can burn up bad karma by doing right things and make more karma by gossiping, lying, stealing etc.  My experience is what it is is that the momentum of your good works in the Now will slowly begin to compensate for […]

I woke up with the thought that the reason W repaid an outstanding loan to me early was that by going out of my box on Sunday, going to Sue’s church and to the Meta Circle, I released resistance that I unconsciously hold by being in routine here. I spent almost all of January in […]