You can eat an elephant one bite at a time

A friend stopped by this week and watched me work for an hour.  I’m having a little flare up of the old carpal tunnel so I’m wearing the wrist splints that hold them in the correct position to relieve the pressure.  It only flares up maybe once a year when I’ve been overdoing the mousing.  […]

A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time

Abraham-Hicks says “Stop looking for anything other than your mental and emotional state of being as answers to why you feel how you feel in your body. It is all Vibrational – no exception! And when you get that, then it doesn’t matter what diagnosis has been given to you—it doesn’t matter—it’s temporary.”   If […]

Domino attracts another false positive for PCP

Four months ago, I wrote at DUI, DWLS, Probation, PCP and False Positives that a long time friend was on probation for driving under the influence, and when she went for her court appointed random drug test, her urine tested positive for PCP, which she does not do.  Long story short, it was a false […]

Favorite Abraham Hicks Processes

These processes are summaries of those recommended in the book Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. They continue to be both fun and life changing for me, so I hope that you will have a similar experience.   Although most of these processes can be done in your head, your degree of […]