How to Make It All Right

“If you knew everything was really all right, and that it always has a happy ending, then you would not feel trepidacious about your future. Everything is really so very all right! If you could believe and trust that, then, immediately everything would automatically and instantly become all right.” ~ Abraham-Hicks

Sometimes I just have to unfriend a friend for awhile

I unfriended a few friends this week.  My Facebook posts are a combination of me telling the antics of the day and me seeking input and thoughts on a particular situation for research purposes for my work.  I get some of my best study done this way, learning what real life people today think about […]

Ages 39-42: The Uranus Opposition in Astrology

Some friends and clients are having their lives shaken up in financial and emotional ways.  I looked first to astrology to see what the planets reflected back to me.  Each is going through their Uranus opposition, that time in our lives that society calls the mid life crisis. During this time, your entire life can be […]

If Abraham was in the White House on 9-12-2001

Guest: If you, Abraham, were in the White House, what would be your decision of how to respond to the current world situation? Abraham:  Well, they would never allow Abraham in the White House, because it is a different vibration.  But if we were assigned the awesome responsibility of making a decision for a whole […]

Get diagnosed, or not?

I have a friend who’s having some health issues but she’s afraid to go to the doctor.  She knows that once an illness is diagnosed, typically that’s when the disease progresses, and that’s because our focus turns more fully to it.  Whatever we focus on grows and expands, period. Below is what Abraham-Hicks has to […]

 Getting well: a diagnosis is just a snapshot in time, so begin thinking the new thought to have the new result

I’ve got several friends and clients who are sick with colds and flus, and it happens for them each time the weather turns cold.  I’ve avoided a cold this year by increasing my vitamin intake, especially Vitamin D.  I also make it a habit to keep hand sanitizer in my car and to use it after […]

The unconscious mind’s automatic rebuttal to “An 8 minute creative visualization workshop to increase dollars”

In black below is my original 8 Minute Creative Visualization Workshop To |Attract Dollars and in blue are probably the same words you hear coming from your own conscious mind if you’re new to creative visualization and affirmative thought.  Don’t worry, these automatic counter-thoughts will only come up the first billion or so times you do […]