Monthly Archives: February 2015

Lawyer Argues Police Have No Right To Stop You At DUI Checkpoints

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At any checkpoint, most people will silently roll down their windows, and willingly hand out their license and registration and allow themselves and the inside of their car to looked upon with unknowing eyes. But, not Attorney Warren Redlich, he claims that police officers cannot lawfully do anything but tell you to have a good night if you present your driver’s license at the window.  Have you ever been pulled over at one of these “DUI” checkpoints, even if you had not been drinking? Probably! Most of the tickets handed out at the checkpoints do not even have anything to do with drinking!  Warren Redlich and Jason Osborn have found a way around the law by holding a sign that read, “I remain silent. No Searches. I want my lawyer,” and his license and police let him pass without asking any questions.  Continue reading

What is the “energy shift” anyway?

ask believe receiveI have to smile when people talk about the energy shift as if it’s something new and happening outside ourselves. My experience is all that’s happening is that whoever is experiencing the shift has finally reached another level of awareness about That Which Is and Has Always Been. We think it’s new because it’s new to us. We’re just finally more able to hold our dial on the higher frequency is all. Ask to be expanded, ask to see the bigger picture, the higher view. Then relax into it no matter how it appears.

Why I do not believe suicides go to hell

A friend posed the question: Do, as some believe, those who commit suicide go to hell?  She wrote: “Ppl who commit suicide have already been through, or is going through something worse than hell! And if it wasn’t gods plan his suicide wouldn’t have worked. No, I don’t believe ppl who commit suicide go to hell.”  She asked what I believed.  I believe no one goes to hell.  My experience from communicating with those who have passed is that there is a period in the astral world of reflection on one’s life.  It’s a period where those who’ve had strong beliefs about what happens after they die, EXPERIENCE whatever they’ve been taught to believe. This can feel like hell to those who are uneducated on the topic and don’t know what is happening.   Continue reading

I live in my mind way more than I live in my body

daydreaming decohubsDay 8 of The Giant Headcold.   I’m awake. Coughing but feeling good, breathing. My body’s digging the sleep and I’m enjoying trippy dreams. A dose of Mucinex to clear the chest. Taking Cecelia Avitabile’s Immune Tincture which is basically the same as the Buried Treasure ACF Fast Relief Immune Formula, along with vitamins C, D and E every few hours. Layout for the March magazine is getting done little by little. Times like this when my body gets knocked down a bit, I realize I live in my mind WAAAAAY more than I live in my body. Yay for being in control of my own thoughts.

I found YinYang’s Secret Hideout In The Garage

The last week it’s been down in the 50’s at night and my 14 year old black and white bandit masked kitty hasn’t been sleeping in the house. Both she and Benny the Cat like roaming around outside when it’s chilly, but at night I like her inside. I finally went on a hunt early this morning and found her hiding place! There’s a standing bookcase just inside the garage where the door comes down. On the bottom shelf of that bookcase is an unopened bag of landscape mulch. The shelf is protected on 3 sides by sheets of plywood. She’d been sleeping there. That’s not very soft, I thought. I straightened up the area a bit, removing a stack of cardboard boxes waiting to be recycled. I kept it private for her, but placed a cat bed on top of the bag of mulch. I placed another cat bed on the concrete floor of the garage, in a corner next to my bicycle. Now I wait and see if she chooses to use it.

Drink fluids during a cold even if you’re not thirsty

waterfall-kanchanaburi_091.jpegWhen I find myself with a hacking cough a week into a cold, I need to remember one reason to drink a lot of water so the mucous in my body can thin out and be drained. When there’s not enough fluid to keep things moving along, that’s when I get aches in the sinuses: headaches, earaches, toothaches, face hurts. Drinking plenty of water also keeps my digestive/elimination system moving along fluidly. Taking antihistamines to dry up sniffles also dries up ALL forms of bodily elimination. I see it like the antihistamine is a sponge sucking all the water from the surrounding cells. If I don’t drink plenty of water, I run the risk of constipation. I’m in touch with my body enough to look at what goes into it and what comes out of it. I can tell right away if I am dehydrated. If your poop looks like small, hard balls, go drink a 16.9oz bottle of water right now and do it 5-6 times a day for the rest of your life. That also gives your body a rest from working so hard to process the food you put into it.   Continue reading

A vision of Sai Baba and Amma in… IHOP?

wheelchairI woke up hungry this morning, with an appetite for the first time since my head cold began a week ago. My pal G was already eating breakfast, so I thought of asking Steven Hart to join me, since we’ve been trying to connect. His Facebook page didn’t show any activity, so I opted to go alone, not wanting to wake him with an early call. On the way to IHOP two miles away, I see a familiar figure, a somewhat scruffy looking gentleman in a wheelchair, heading east. I saw him last week in the parking lot at Publix near Wendy’s, eating under a tree next to the duck pond. Living near an I-95 exit, I see a lot of homeless in transit. I didn’t think more about it. I went inside and ordered breakfast: a spinach and mushroom omelette with no pancake batter, no cheese and no hollandaise sauce, dry rye toast. As I sat drinking my coffee, he came in and was seated at the table next to me. I got a good look at him. He appeared sun weathered, dirty and dusty from the road.  Continue reading

The giant headcold of February 2015

The giant headcold began on Thursday, January 29th at 9:00pm when I woke up with a sore throat. I’ve since learned that some friends have the same thing and it may hang on for a month.  That’s good to know so i won’t fret when it’s not gone right away.  I kept a diary of my headcold on Facebook and share it with you here:  Continue reading

A head cold and fever induced dream

3:00am Panic stricken and frantic to find a ride home! That’s how I felt in the dream I just woke up from. I’ve had a head cold since midnight Friday and knew when I woke up I must have a fever. It’s the only time I get troubled dreams. Except for when the hospital gives me Dilaudid. My fever was only 99.3 but that was enough. I’d been riding in a car with real life soul brother Robert Pheiff at the wheel. He was pointing out the sights as we passed them. We came to a town and parked to visit at a house where there was a small party. When I was ready to leave, I looked through all the rooms and on the grounds and could not find him. I called his phone number and we had a bad connection so he couldn’t hear me. A friend handed me a present and inside was another phone, It did me no good since his number was not programmed into it and my phone had disappeared when I grasped the new one. A young woman was willing to help me, she gave me a ride where there were more phones, and she asked if anyone else could give me a ride. Finally a call went through and he was on his way back. I tried to be patient while waiting for him but I was in a very anxious and panic stricken frame of mind. I remembered that sometimes I dream about being lost in a building with many doors, but it’s never a panicky dream. When I remembered that, I woke up.

RELATED — LINKS TO MORE DREAMS:    Continue reading

Andrea’s February 2015 Editorial

February 2015 cover

February 2015 cover

Hello and welcome to the February 2015 edition of Horizons Magazine. This month, JP Sears gives tips on Living Beyond Emotional Triggers, and Karen Williams shows how to use the thought of what you don’t want as a trigger to change the energy of the circumstance. Michelle Whitedove shows how to use goal setting to assist in law of attraction and Leo Babauta suggests simplifying, cutting down and imposing limits. Different strokes for different folks, huh? Doreen Virtue discusses dreamtime with the angels, and Sonia Choquette shares her favorite traditions that keep her connected to Spirit through daily practice. Sonia Choquette really speaks to me. I’ve read all of her books and seen her numerous times. I admit my own life is a series of routines and rituals. It’s not due to superstition, it’s just that over the years I’ve developed daily practices that help keep me centered and set the tone for my day. Here are some things I do to connect to Spirit each day:   Continue reading