Category Archives: Uncategorized

Facebook, Friending, Unfriending, Judging, Forgiving, Loving

Last month, Facebook friend Rosie Neal saw posts on a friend’s Wall she thought I should be aware of.  Though trying to be helpful, I felt it was deceitful to the mutual friend for her to send me her login and password info. I’d been blocked from the friend’s wall for a few weeks while we were having a disagreement.  Rosie wanted me to see his behavior for myself, encouraging me to disengage from him once and for all. It was none of my business. Even though she was trying to be helpful, a few messages later I had to be free of  her energy for awhile so I unfriended her. Continue reading

The silly girl sh*t has already begun? Begone, you don’t exist for me.

Just a few hours after I shared a post on my Facebook wall, I began receiving messages from gleefully self appointed double agents in a matter a friend and I consider resolved.  Please do not send me what he wrote to you in confidence, nor (secondhand/hearsay) details of phone conversations.  That’s not the kind of friend you want to be.  That’s deceitful.  No one deserves that.  And Rosie Neal I unfriended after you sent me your sign on info and password because you thought I needed to see something that was none of my business: you profess to be his friend, or mine?  I will not be a party to deception.  He and I have settled our differences.  If you were entrusted with a secret, why are you divulging it?  Everyone loves to talk, and those you talk to behind the scenes talk to me.  This is not who you want to be. This is not where you want to vibe.  Count me out of all of this.  It’s none of my business, I do not care, and I simply have other things to do that are a lot more fun. We all try to fill our emptiness with something outside ourselves until we learn we can draw from the wellspring within. It’s only the deepest drinks that satisfy me.  Nonsense like this are but feathers on the wind of my life, soon to be puffed away as the nothingness that they are.

RELATED:  Friends Again
Facebook, Friending, Unfriending, Judging, Forgiving, Loving

Purpose and benefit of isolation at stages on the spiritual path

isolated-youthWhen friends feel troubled, what they are going through is just another step on the path of spiritual Self realization, and peace of mind lies just a few more steps down the journey.  I speak to so many people each week that I’m able to see patterns of thought and behavior. A friend this week feels suddenly detached and isolated. I explained that’s the good news, and it’s just the next step on the Path: Feeling detached allows us to enter into the “observer” state.  When life brings a lot of pressure to bear, we begin to feel compressed and over burdened.  In past days, our remedy was to gather with friends and find distractions.  At this stage, that no longer appeases us.   Feet firmly on the Path, the first thought is to back off from friends and isolate.  There is a reason for this. Continue reading

Reconnecting the neurons and regulating brain chemistry naturally

I’ve been sketching, which I haven’t done in months, letting the neurons reconnect, releasing my fave neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin, the feel good chemicals released in the brain as I get those synapses firing again.  I always have several projects going on at one time, always starting something new to keep my brain firing on all cylinders, so to speak. Lately, calculating math does that for me as well but sketching is so much more fun.

The brain, if kept in good shape, can continue to build pathways.  The trick is finding ways to keep brain connections in good condition and to grow more of them.  The brain is plastic and continues to change, not in getting bigger but allowing for greater complexity and deeper understanding.  One way to nudge neurons in the right direction is to challenge the very assumptions we’ve have worked so hard to accumulate while young. With a brain already full of well-connected pathways, adult learners should jiggle their synapses by confronting thoughts that are contrary to their own, doing new things and finding a variety of new ways to express themselves creatively.


Elizabeth Gilbert: A soul mate’s purpose is to shake you up so much that you have to transform your life

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.   A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.   A soul mate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life. Whatever they fired up in you needed to be fired up, but then they needed to go.
Elizabeth Gilbert

RELATED:  Thank you to one of my soul mates

Jade Wah’oo Grigori gave an excellent presentation tonight

Jade Wah’oo Grigori gave an excellent presentation tonight and he’ll be in town through next Wednesday.  Jade has a wealth of free information on his website, articles, audio including a shamanic drumming journey, video including earth renewing ceremony. Take a taste of Jade and then travel to Indialantic to see him while he’s here.  He is engaging and full of knowledge, his shamanic drumming tonight was truly transcendent.   Toy-ahn-ah-me’ is a song, ceremony and teaching. Our Spirit’s body is a large oval field, comprised of shimmering filaments that bundle together around the various Threads of Intent such as communication, sexuality, caring, abundance, creativity, trust etc. Thru emotional shock or trauma, through fear, threat and demeanment, the threads become entangled, preventing self-expression. We feel inept, unworthy, incapable in those respective areas of life. Toy-ahn-ah-me’ frees the threads, allowing and enabling them to reactivate in resonance with our Spirit’s Threads of Intent. We then find ourselves transformed, free, able to experience and express in those arenas of life’s endeavors that have been activated.


A dream about trusting

I had a real memorable dream once about trusting.  In the dream I was flying over the ocean.  At first I was just flying, then I looked down and saw the earth below me.  Then I got closer and saw the ocean, although I didn’t recognize a continent.  As I descended, I began to get afraid because it was the middle of the ocean and I’m not a strong swimmer.  In the dream, I could feel real fear in my chest.  As I descended and felt scared, I was standing upright suddenly and could feel small waves splash at my feet.  I quickly said a prayer “help me deal with whatever is gonna happen” and I lifted my feet and I looked all around to see if I could see land.  Suddenly I could see land, but waaaay off in the distance. Continue reading

Home Clearing? Spirit releasement? Entity Detachment? A shared perception creates a very powerful thought form — a third entity — which then takes on a life of its own

Spirit Release image from

Spirit Release image from

Spirit releasement is among the most important work that a psychic medium can perform, helping direct earthbound entities into the Light.  This week several clients had almost identical issues: they wanted a Home Clearing, a Spirit Releasement, an Entity Detachment.  Not surprising to have three sessions in a row with the same issue, since I know I attract everything by virtue of my vibrational resonance. Even for callers who are scheduled months ahead, invariably several in a row will be on very similar issues, many of them also relevant to something going on in my own life.  This week was no different, but with a twist.  Last week, I built up some good momentum of cranky thoughts as folks kept bringing my attention to what a troublemaker was doing.  It was none of my business, I didn’t care and I didn’t need to know about it.   What does this have to do with spirit releasement?
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Last night’s New Moon Ritual: My Intentions for 2013 are to expand and make more play time

Last night being the New Moon, I went out to the firepit and made a small fire, throwing in two sweet potatoes and an ear of corn.  Half the fun of having a fire, and half the process for setting an intention of the fire, is the gathering of the kindling and the firewood.  I always have a lot of deadfall from the oaks and pines I live under, so the gathering goes quickly.  I brought out my teapot and set it on an upper stone ledge to keep it hot for my kava tea.  The night sky was dark and the scene was lit only by the glow of my small fire.  I love doing contemplation under the night sky, listening to the night sounds and watching the raccoons, the armadillo family, and the lone opossum make their way up and down the trail. I totally lost track of time, I love when that happens.  My intention for 2012 was to have new experiences and broaden my small world. Success! No regrets! Best year ever! For 2013, I will expand my inner and outer territories by making more play time. Who’s in?

RELATED: New Moon Ritual for tonight
RELATED: Last evening at the firepit
Roughing it in my own woods
I spent full moon night out under the stars
Winter Solstice at the firepit
Spirit told me to ask Jane if she had a tent for me and she did
Camping In My Woods Defrags My Stress
A New Crop Of Baby Hawks and the Bonfire Metaphor
New Year’s Eve camping at the firepit; a flame meditation