Author Archives: Andrea

15 Character Traits That Cause Diseases

These  days, even modern medicine agrees: 70% of all illnesses materialise because of negative thoughts or emotional stress. Illnesses attributed to this cause are called “psychosomatic,” and they are the biggest headache of the whole mainstream healthcare system.  Sometimes several days of elevated stress is all that is needed to open up a gastric ulcer. Sometimes several years of it is all it takes to develop diabetes or heart disease, not to mention poor general health, lowered productivity, and lack of happiness. Doctors and scientists unanimously agree that our thoughts directly affect the activity of our organs and the state of our bodies in general. Ancient medicine is classified as holistic, because it takes care not only of the physical body, but also of the psyche, as well as one’s personal lifestyle. This method allows one to remove the cause of the illness, rather than merely treating the symptoms, therefore stopping it from reappearing. Modern medicine, on the other hand, deals with the consequences of the illness—bodily ailments. This is why the illness often comes back, since the cause of the illness is not actually being treated.    Continue reading

Three ways to live healthfully and truly feel good

It will involve working on yourself—however, this investment will pay off greatly in the long run. Here are three methods, tested throughout three millenniums:

1.    Start monitoring your thoughts. Spend five minutes every evening writing down how you felt that day. Remember the situations you encountered and emotions you felt. What negative character traits does that uncover? What do you plan to do tomorrow to start improving yourself and to change those particular character traits? It is very important to write everything down.   Continue reading

Pre-pave your long and healthy life

It’s possible to be healthy and active well into your 90’s, so stop thinking that getting older means going downhill. If that is your view of aging, that could well be your experience. Know that you can have a different experience. Look forward to eating healthy and being active and mentally clear into your 90’s. Pre-pave THAT instead.

RELATED: 256 Year Old Chinese Herbalist Li Ching-Yuen, Holistic Medicine, and 15 Character Traits That Cause Diseases

You may think you want justice when what you want is mercy

justice-mercy-scaleA friend is in a legal battle with an unfair business partner, but her hands aren’t altogether clean. “I want justice,” she cries, when what she really wants is revenge. I reminded her of some details she’s forgotten, telling her, “Remember the behind the scenes history. You don’t want justice, what you want is mercy.”

I’m blessed to have my life, that’s for sure. Meaning: I’m blessed to know that how I think affects what comes to me, and that I can chose to exercise my free will to discipline myself to stay focused on things I like so that more things I like may come to me.

I am the only one who can bring harmony to all my relationships. Yes, just me and my decision to broaden my perception to see things another way, that’s all it takes.

Ongoing Theme: Clear Up The Past, It’s All Related

A friend was having unexpected chaos around her when she called me. She had many things to get off her chest. She didn’t realize it’s all related, everything, and that clearing up her past could help pave her happy future. She came clean to several she’d had conflict with. She dropped several ongoing white lies that had been holding her back. She felt the weight lift. Never underestimate the power of coming clean and being honest. Every day is a new beginning.

RELATED: Make Peace with the Past
Coming clean about past lies will set you free
Her effort to clear up the past gave her a clean slate
The magic of making amends with those you have unclean energies with
The solution is simple: Come clean and see what the Universe rewards you with
Do the inner and outer work to clear up the past, so it doesn’t taint your new beginnings
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past
Come clean and see what the Universe rewards you with
Put only kindness in motion from this point forward

RELATED:  How To Be Honest
Harry Palmer’s Compassion Exercise
Hawaiian Forgivness Ho’oponopono Process
How to forgive and find closure if the other is unwilling, absent or dead

It feels like a holiday weekend

poolside smileSummer is upon us! With temps soaring into the 90’s, I’ve begun turning my a/c on. I’m lucky that my entire property is under a high oak canopy. The shade keeps me much cooler than my neighbors who are all in the sunshine, with little or no overhead shade.  Often I’m unaware of how hot it is until I walk out to the mailbox.  Friday I got blasted!  About 6:00pm I talked my mate away from the computer and went to the pool for an hour.  It’s been a couple of years since I swam, but Friday I was ready to jump in.  The water was the perfect temperature, it felt just a few degrees below my body temp. Continue reading

I stopped eating bread cold turkey: Eating bread leads to sugar and bread cravings and keeps 10 pounds on me

15-No-Bread-Sandwiches-2I stopped eating bread on Mother’s Day.  I’d begun eating it in July 2013.  In ten months, it put an extra 10 pounds on me. My face likes the ten pounds.  My waist doesn’t.  I’ve learned that bread is my drug. When I avoid it, all is well.  When I think I can have just a slice or two of toasted Ezekial every week or so, that quickly turns into having a toasted english muffin every day. I catch myself doing it and I still do it.  “Let me just finish this package and I won’t buy it again.” It becomes a race to finish them. More than once I’ve carried food over to the boyfriend’s place to get it out of my house.  He has my box of wheat saltines right now. But, as soon as I made the decision to JUST STOP eating bread, it became easy.  I had to get to that point first. I had to get to that state of mind.  Once I reached that level of consciousness, my other food choices came into focus again. I didn’t care about bread as I changed my focus. Continue reading

Ask yourself why are you attracting that plague of locusts

That chaos crap storm you keep being plagued with? Stop and ask yourself why you’re attracting it.  You already know HOW you’re attracting it.  The question is WHY you keep attracting it.  What is your soul trying to get across to you? What does inner guidance say when you ask? You are the only one who can answer that.