Morning walk

It was 44 Florida degrees when I walked just before dawn this morning. I’ve been off my walking and working out routine for months and it feels good to be back at it. It’s very easy for me to isolate and let the work pile up on me, and spend all my time at the […]

Winter Solstice is tonight

Winter? Last weekend high temps in the 70’s and lows in the 60’s, other than that it’s still warm and muggy. That’s the thing with Central Florida. If you’re not a heat and humidity loving beach or boating person, the constant steam bath gets old and oppressive. If we’re lucky, we get six months a […]

My crunch time is over!

Finally, the January magazine has been sent to the printer! In November and December, because of Thanksgiving and Christmas I need to get my magazine job to the printer a week early. That means doing the issues back to back. This time was really a trip because my carpal tunnel acted up on both hands […]

It’s finally cool enough to do yard work

The humidity finally broke enough for me to venture outside for some yard work. I love being all woodsy but that means I don’t get the breezes until they’re almost gale force. The thermometer said 72 outside this morning but 93% humidity and no breeze makes it feel about 80. It felt good to be […]

thoughts on daily walking and the Camino de Santiago Andrea’s May 2015 Editorial

 Hello and welcome to the May 2015 edition of Horizons Magazine. Last month I read Sonia Choquette’s Walking Home, about her pilgrimage on the Santiago de Compostela Camino  which is a 600+ mile walk across northern Spain to the North Atlantic Ocean, In the book Choquette mentions the Martin Sheen/Emilio Estevez movie The Way. I […]