Only love enters this space and only love leaves

wooded trailI spent much of yesterday trying to get back to sleep so I could have a proper wake up and start for the day. Too often I let my days and nights run together. That’s the beauty of working from home. I was about to nap at 8am when the man texted he was going for his walk. I vacuumed the floors and emptied the dishwasher before he got here. That gave me my second wind. I cooked breakfast while we visited, a spinach mushroom cheddar omelet atop a romaine and cherry tomato salad. We hung out on the porch under the tall oaks and watched Benny show off in the yard. My screened in back porch is surrounded by a hedge I keep pruned in a lacey fashion to let light and wind through and so I can watch the critters as they cross the yard. Sitting on the porch, you’re looking into the west woods, it’s a serene scene.  

After he left, I knew I needed to nap before I could do any work requiring an awake brain. I’d done yoga and meditated earlier. I stepped into the back yard with the large pruners to cut back the flowering yellow necklace pod bush that tends to overtake the yard each summer. I ended up cutting back other bushes as well, and I left a lot of cuttings in the yard to pick up another day. I took a walk through the east garden. There was a lot of branch deadfall from the oaks and pines. I’m giving my arms and hands a rest this week, so I didn’t pick any up. I took note of the back trail and a bamboo project I want to finish.

smudgingIn the recent rain, my property has been growing wildly. I love that. I can cut a bush almost to the ground and by the end of season it’s full and tall again. Gardening is a real meditation for me, reminding me of the importance of regular pruning, of renewal, cutting off the dry old tips so new growth could be stimulated. We let things die long before their time, just because we can’t be bothered. Kinda of like letting our dreams die inside us because we keep waiting for outside motivation to compel us forward into it.

I smudged my place yesterday from head to toe and I can feel the fresh energy flowing. My hands and arms are healing nicely, it’s amazing what 3 days in a row of icing and staying off them can do. I’m glad that whenever I have anything come up, it’s never too bad and it never lasts long.  Clear this space of all that’s come before. Only love enters this space and only love leaves.

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