When will I learn? I take 3 weeks off between the week before Christmas until just after the new year. Then it takes me another week to get back into the swing of working. Which means all the magazine work is crammed into the last two weeks in January. Aaauuugghh! So this year I ALSO AT THE SAME TIME get to do all the arranging for work for making the rental home available for the new resident by end of day Friday.
— ANYWAY I just realized today I have to get my tax-something signed and sent in with dollars so, to make sure I get it done on time since my desk is filled with subscription lists, magazine labels and rental lease agreements, I set a small tray table in front of the door to the bathroom with the papers, a pen, a highstool and the checkbook so there is no way I will miss getting that done by end of day.
— I know me, I can only pass something 2-3 times without wanting to get it done and out of the way. It helps to know myself so I can trick myself into getting done everything that needs to be done.
— LOL as if any of this busy work I’m doing in this physical body in this physical incarnation/ lifetime really “has to be done” anyway. The wheel will continue to turn whether I’m doing something or doing nothing. So I may as well enjoy it all, everything I’m doing whether it’s a breeze or a pain.
Your body will someday crumble while your soul watches it all from a place of peace
I love this attitude a friend has toward observing what the physical body goes through: she’d written about wrestling with a pain body and gotten a comment saying My body is the Cathedral, my heart is the altar and my soul is the traveler. She wrote, “It’s so great to have humorist friends to drag you through a pain body episode in life. My cathedral is crumbling, my altar could explode and my soul is watching all this from fruit and flower mountain.”
I love that, my soul is watching all this from fruit and flower mountain. Yes, someday my body will crumble yet I know my soul watches on with peace.
My process for manifesting a new tenant
My tenant of 7 years passed in the hospital on New Year’s Eve. I’m sorry to lose a super cool long time tenant who was also a friend. Now I must plan for the next resident. So this is the beginning of my manifestation process to do exactly that. Personal experience has proven to me that it helps me to attract what I want when I plan it out in my mind ahead of time. First I remember what I know, that I’ve always had good experience with tenants and my rental home. I bring to mind the fact that I historically have attracted people of integrity who were also fun and tidy and easy going. Continue reading
And here I thought it was always Sam’s fault
A nice revelation before sitting for morning meditation: I’m working in the office and Tuxedo Sam has been asleep in front of me on his pillow near the window for an hour. Benny the Cat walks in the room and sees him and begins crouching down as he walks and grumbling under his breath. Sam is still asleep. Ben jumps up on the desk behind me (as usual) to get to the window, he’s still grumbling, the low growl that says, “get away.” Sam is still asleep so I shush Ben. Growl, shhh! Growl, shhh! Ben sits in the window never taking his eyes off sleeping Sam. Still grumbling he decides to yowl as if Sam is going after him. ALL THIS WHILE SAM IS ASLEEP. I always assumed when I heard Ben growl and yowl from the other room that Sam was hounding him, so I’d reprimand Sam. Now I know.
She’s been given a gift
It has to be a relief when you finally realize you had a very disturbed individual around your family for years thinking it would be different for you. The continual emotional coercion is exhausting, dealing with mood swings and lies and lack of help and lies and empty promises and lies. But the huge lesson of the blessing is it showed you you can make it on your own. Take that gift and run with it.
The January 2018 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes
The January 2018 Horizons is now online — now in flipbook format — at http://horizonsmagazine.com/fb/1-18/index.html. We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth. Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here http://horizonsmagazine.com/blog/introducing-horizons-new-astrologer-maya-white/ Contact her and ask what she might do for you. Here are this month’s horoscopes: Continue reading
Christmas Spirit at the Malabar Post Office
This morning I was at the post office to drop off the rest of the January subscripx, being 5 days before Christmas I came prepared to wait. I even brought 1st class stamps for folks who complain they don’t want to wait in a line to mail one item so they wouldn’t have to wait. I got there at 8:40am, it was open, I was second in line. My job takes about 20 minutes. It’s repetitious work keying in the same info for dozens of zip codes. Vicki, Stan and I have been doing this for 10+ years, since whenever they changed the rules so they had to begin making a lot of keystrokes for each single item — hazardous, liquid, etc. So I’m chatting with Stan at the counter while he does my job (which he’s done 100+ times) and the line begins forming all the way to the door. That’s ok, it’s only 8:45am, they’re not officially open until 9am. Then a 30-something woman, 2nd in line behind me, begins loudly admonishing us for chatting. She looks kinda like Sarah Silverman (an attractive insult comedian) so I first thought she was joking. “It’s a proven fact that chatting in line slows the line down. I hate when it happens in Wal-Mart too. I always say something when it’s not right. I’m a customer relations trainer so I know what’s right and what’s not.” Continue reading
How can I make him take responsibility??
Had a session last night on a Universal topic: a mom wants to figure out how to give her kids Christmas when dad is out of the picture and doesn’t pay support. I could advise her to get an attorney and I could give her tips on earning extra income but my experience is the quickest way out of a situation is to see the truth of it and understand the mechanics behind it. Then recognize what role you play in attracting that, then change your perception of your role. Once you do that, you’ll instantly find more alignment in the people, circumstances and events around you. Mom’s situation was that her 2 kids’ dad left them years ago, left her with the kids and all the bills and no job. She finally got the court to order child support which he never paid. He works under the table for cash and spends it on “drink and drugs and nonsense.” She can’t even get him on the phone long enough to demand he take responsibility. But she’s got the greater responsibility, the responsibility to control how she sees a situation and how she reacts to it. She’s got the ability to attract a good experience in life despite who does or doesn’t take responsibility in their own. Continue reading
The December 2017 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes
The December 2017 Horizons is now online — now in flipbook format — at http://horizonsmagazine.com/fb/12-17/index.html. We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.
Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here http://horizonsmagazine.com/blog/introducing-horizons-new-astrologer-maya-white/ Contact her and ask what she might do for you. Here are this month’s horoscopes: Continue reading
How I make No Heartburn Coffee
I seldom drink coffee. It gives me heartburn. At least it USED TO give me heartburn until I learned the fix. The fix for heartburn relief for coffee? Yep, the fix for me, anyway. When I worked in law offices in my 20’s and 30’s, I drank up to 7-8 cups of coffee a day. When I went to work for myself and had to be the one to make coffee, I stopped drinking it. I didn’t miss it. It was no longer part of my daily routine. I went a couple of years without it. Then one day I woke up craving it. I had a cup and it gave me heartburn. Bad heartburn. I figured I could no longer drink it. Continue reading