I knew to not even open the email.
Update 9-20-18, he’s in custody again
RELATED: A former friend got arrested for grabbing a woman’s crotch
I knew to not even open the email.
Update 9-20-18, he’s in custody again
RELATED: A former friend got arrested for grabbing a woman’s crotch
I talked to someone new last night who was unfamiliar with the concept of using creative visualization to attract something into her life. She has a happy enough life but like most of us would love more money. As I listened to her questions and concerns, I realized hers was not a matter of having resistance due to paying attention to troubling things in other parts of her life. She had always just made $2,000 per month and she never really thought about making any more than that. Essentially she set her sights too low. She knew she would make $2,000 a month easily but then when the economy changed, that wasn’t really enough. She has no investments and lives paycheck to paycheck, however $2,000 month lets her squeak by. Continue reading
Astral projection is simply mental/spiritual travel out of the body to any place on the astral plane; the realm of dreams and spirits etc. It’s as easy as daydreaming, but full transfer of consciousness to the point where the experience is more real than normal waking reality takes practice. Below and at this link I give the process step by step. Here in pdf format http://horizonsmagazine.com/mags_online/Astral-Projection-Handbook.pdf — below is the text
Astral projection (or astral travel) is a type of out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of an “astral body” separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it. Astral projection is experienced as being “out of the body.” Astral projection, or astral travel, denotes the astral body or etheric double leaving the physical body to travel in the astral plane. The astral body is a body of light intermediate between, and uniting, the rational soul and the physical body. Individuals that are trained in the use of the astral vehicle can separate their consciousness in the astral vehicle from the physical body at will.
The August 2018 Horizons is now online at http://horizonsmagazine.com/mags_online/8-18-Issue.pdf . The flipbook version is at http://horizonsmagazine.com/fb/8-18/index.html. We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth. Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, see http://horizonsmagazine.com/blog/introducing-horizons-new-astrologer-maya-white/ Contact her and ask what she might do for you. Here are this month’s horoscopes: Cusp dates are accurate for 2018. Sometimes the actual date the sun enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2018. Continue reading
I’ve got this thing I do on my phone sometimes without meaning to. I just discovered what causes it. When I go to use the microphone key in Google search, sometimes it turns into a “switch keyboard” key that I don’t see before touching it. Then my keyboard turns into a real small one. I usually notice it in Facebook. But I have to get out of FB to fix it.
I first see it when I go to comment in FaceBook. This weird little keyboard comes up instead of my regular keyboard. I remember in the lower left at some site I saw some kind of little keyboard looking symbol I wondered what would happen if I pushed it. What happened was it switched to the small keyboard, after which there was no little symbol in the lower right any more to return to the old keyboard. I FINALLY KNOW HOW TO GET BACK TO THE OLD KEYBOARD! Continue reading
The July 2018 Horizons is now online at http://horizonsmagazine.com/mags_online/7-18-Issue.pdf . The flipbook version is at http://horizonsmagazine.com/fb/7-18/index.html. We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth. Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here http://horizonsmagazine.com/blog/introducing-horizons-new-astrologer-maya-white/ Contact her and ask what she might do for you. Here are this month’s horoscopes: Cusp dates are accurate for 2018. Sometimes the actual date the sun enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2018. Continue reading
The last 6 months I’ve had one side of my tongue swell up in an “allergic reaction.” I’ve never had food allergies that I know of. I know our system changes over time and allergies can move in and out, 2 Benadryl stops it within 2 hours or less. A couple of nurse friends tell me it would go down on its own without the bennies. These are the dates it’s swelled up. I’ve listed what I ate the previous day to determine what the trigger may be. My uneducated guess after reading these notes thru 6-28-18 is that I’d eaten ham each day EXCEPT for 6-27-18 where I did eat ½ a turkey burger. Note, the past 6 months I’ve had packaged ham every week with no problem, I think the sodium from the processed meat (and Tums and Alka Selter Plus) may have caught up with me and is detoxing out my tongue. I may have taken 2-4 Tums each day.
Research online tells me meat allergies develop when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts to something in the environment that typically causes no problem. I’ve included links showing symptoms I may be developing a meat allergy. I’ll tell you, my inner guidance tells me I don’t hafta stop meat altogether but I could definitely use a rest from it and I can ingest far less of it in the future. Good to know.
Even the chillest of us have them at times. Those PTSD flashbacks about stuff you thought you was long over, triggered by the simplest of events. The last 2 days have been — I was going to say rough on body and soul — but nothing is rough on the soul. That’s some myth my mind makes up to make excuses for why I’ve attracted a few rocky days. Don’t get me wrong, nothing drastic happened. It began with a 4 hour delay on Friday that me pouting about dominoed it into an overly long workday. I knew I was snappy so I turned down an offer for help so I didn’t drag anyone else into my vibe. When I’m pouty, I’m happy for physical work done on my own to take me out of it. Continue reading
A friend asked what chants I have found helpful, significant, these are ones I say daily in rotation. The first chant is the Sarva Mangala , the Durga mantra. It basically is a Hindu version of “Blessed Mother who oversees the material world, bless us and protect us.
”Sarva mangala mangalye, Shive, sarvartha sadhake,
Saranye triambike Gowri, narayani namos thuthe.
Sar’ va man’ ga la Mahn’ ga lay
Shi’ vay Sar’ vaa tha’ Sad’ ee kay’
Sha’ ran yay’ Tray am’ bee kay’ Gowri
Na’ raya nee’ Na mos’ too tay
Na’ raya nee’ Na mos’ too tay (repeat the chant in sets of 3)
Here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UrBxim1KFc
The second chant: Here is the Amma Taye (in Tamil)
Ama Ama Taye
Akhi landash vari niye
Anna purnesh vari Taye
O-o-o-o Adi Parashakti Niye
(Amma Taye=Oh Mama, Mama, Divine Mother, Goddess of the Universe, Nourisher of all creatures. You are the Primal Supreme Power; Akilanda=Lord of Origin; Ishwara=Sun)
Here it is by Bhagavan Das https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS54HnnY4bU
I was asked today about the MECHANICS of changing thought and then a few friends got emotional over the TOPIC and shifted the convo away from the process. That’s exactly how we get derailed in the manifestion process. We let ourselves get distracted and derailed. Don’t let EMOTION of any TOPIC prevent you from remembering the PROCESS. The process of relieving a situation by removing your attention from it, by replacing the thoughts of it with thoughts of something else, something happier and more optimistic.
I’d posted on Facebook that one of my favorite quotes was “As hopeless as any situation feels it’s really only your thoughts that you are dealing with and you have the power to change those” by Louise Hay. FB friend Sharon asked, “What about the kids taken from their parents? How is that just a thought I am dealing with?” Continue reading