Hanging On To The Wound By Telling The Old Story. You’re not hurting, you’re healing; it’s not a wound, it’s a repair.

Two weeks ago Brothermine Has Hip Replacement Surgery and he’s been keeping me posted with his progress.  One thing we have in common is we both heal quickly from whatever nicks and scrapes we go through.   Jerry wrote to me: “I’m getting over the Oxycontin (they gave him in the hospital) withdrawal now.   It’s just amazing that […]

Keep Telling That Story, You’ll Keep Living That Life: Program Your Inner Dialogue To Propel You Forward

I listened to the latest Abraham-Hicks cd on my drive to Ocala Monday.  As usual, there was a lot of helpful information and reminders.  One favorite line was “The only way unhappy people can stay in your life is if you focus on their unhappiness.” I thought how true that was.  We all have friends […]

How one clairvoyant sees the world

As a professional clairvoyant, I see everything around me not only with my outer vision, but also with my inner vision. I tend to think of the world around me as the visible manifestation of energy in motion, because as an energy worker that’s how I perceive it. The concept of subtle energy is not […]

A lazy day today

Thursday, May 14, 2009.  I woke up this morning feeling rested and revived after my little tummy bug or whatever it was earlier this week.  So now I just have to get right to work finishing the June Horizons so I can get it to the printer on time.   Since I have to give that […]

$150 million lawsuit to keep The Secret

To those who write and ask me, this is all I know about the lawsuit between Rhonda Byrne and Esther Hicks or anyone else in the matter of the rights to The Secret: 5-17-08 article $150 million battle to keep The Secret  http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/150-million-battle-to-keep-the-secret/2008/05/17/1210765254572.html 8-23-08 article in The Australian  Could the universe be restoring the balance […]

Managing Incoming Information; What Is Facebook For?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009.  I have a friend who recently joined Facebook and she’s not sure exactly how it works.  Why do all these people want to be my friends? It’s just a networking gambit, so if you’re on there to network and bring attention to your website, just accept new friends.  What if they […]