My Cassadaga and Ocala trip

Thursday, April 30, 2009. I got up early yesterday and drove to Ocala and Cassadaga with the May Horizons Magazine.  I love doing that drive.  Plus I love getting to shop at the Mother Earth Market in Ocala.  Since our Wild Oats in Melbourne closed, I miss the wide variety of vegetarian and natural foods.  […]

Being happy with who you are and what you have

Monday March 30, 2009. Your habit of resistant thought is the only thing that ever keeps you from allowing the things you desire.  And although you did not intentionally develop these resistant patterns of thought, you did pick them up along your physical trail, bit by bit, and experience by experience.  But one thing is […]

Clearing my underbrush and managing the deadfall

Sunday, March 22, 2009.  Happy Sunday.  I spend much of yesterday out in my far backyard, clearing out some vines and limbs I’d cut back in November.  Since keeping up with the yard is a big job, I do it in stages.  Last November, I  cut back a lot of vines and tangled branches in […]

Man wins $12M lottery after psychic said he’d be rich. How much does our belief and expectation have to do with what comes to us?

Thursday March 6, 2009.  The AOL news read under the photo:  Jorma Hogbacka celebrates his $12.24 million lottery win in Toronto in January. The semi-retired welder said he expected to win the lottery after a psychic said he would be rich one day. So did he win because the psychic saw it, or did he […]

The 13 Steps Back to Balance bring me a good $$ day

Wow, was yesterday a banner day for ad sales! I had written before dawn yesterday morning at Editing at the Source; Browsers; 13 Steps Back to Balance the below 13 steps.  Afterward, I did an experiment of reading them over and over to myself.  I took a break at the top of each hour to […]

Transcript of a Psychic Reading on $$$, Breaking The Spell, How To Strengthen Willpower, A Helpful Self Talk Script

Here is a  transcript of a psychic reading I did for someone years ago.  Everyone likes to read those.   Names, as usual, have been changed.  Question: I noticed in one of my old issues of Horizons that you are in the directory for mentoring.   Tell me a little about the difference between your mentoring […]

How were you programmed by language as a child? My brother and I had very different experiences with our Dad

My brother lives just outside Greenville, SC in the town he grew up in.  He mentioned to me one day he had recently seen someone in town he’d known as a child.  His memory was of an extremely impoverished family, with the kids going through neighbors’ trash and eating scrap food.  That is something I […]