When to Work, When To Play; Facebook, Full Moon

Yesterday was the perfect working day: the perfect combination of work and play.  I sat to meditate as usual at 4:00am and then napped from 5:00-7:00am.  By 8:00am I was in the office and by 8:00pm I was out of the office. Yay, only half a day! I opened a lot of mail, sent out some new subscriptions, fielded a dozen phone calls and brought my checkbook up to date.  I drove to the bank and to my tax accountant’s, and then stopped at Mid Eastern Aromas by FlaTech and picked up a veggie combo sandwich, which is flatbread rolled around hummus, eggplant, pickles, lettuce and tomato with tahina sauce.  Then I came home and my friend Denise stopped by and we chatted and had tea and tormented Izzy while he tried to nap on the table next to us.  After she left, I did the blogpost Fred Migliore of FM Odyssey Fame Talks About Woodstock after listening to the clips and signed up with PRX so I could leave comments on Fred’s page. Then I got brave and turned off my Facebook email notifications so I do not get an email each time someone comments on a post. I will just wait until I sign onto Facebook hopefully after working to see them all.  Facebook is a fun and easy time suck.

Why do I go to Facebook at all if it’s such a time waster?   Because it’s fun, and I go there when I am taking a break from work, even though I need to stay near computer and phone.  Being my own boss, I’m a real workaholic, and the most I waste time is practically never.  So I allow myself my Facebook habit, and even celebrate it.  Even in the midst of getting a lot of work done, I may pop in and make a quick post and pop back out.

Sometimes at the end of the day, I wonder how I found time to make all the silly posts I made.  To look at it, you’d think I was on Facebook all day long.  But since I made them quickly and in-the-moment, it took very little effort.   Sometimes at night, when I do my nightly review, I am surprised at how much I got done that day. And on days when everything just flows into place, it seems I get 5 times as much done.

The days that everything seems to just flow are paradoxically just after I’ve taken a few days to goof off.  Well, not paradoxically, since thanks to Abraham-Hicks I have learned that releasing resistance is the most important component in law of attraction. So I’ve learned that when I am feeling overwhelmed, like I can’t possibly take a moment to myself, I need to back slowly away from the office and get myself somewhere for a fun adventure for a few hours or days to regain my perspective.  And if I can’t do that, at least to visit Facebook and see what my pals are doing.

Ah! Full moon last night.  It’s my monthly ritual, every full moon to keep track of the full moon as it moves across the night time sky.  I do a burning bowl ceremony each full moon as well.  I write a note about anything I am ready to be free of for the next 28 days and I do a symbolic burning of the written note in my chimenea, signalling the beginning of the new 28 day cycle until next full moon.  If it’s not raining, I do it outside in the chimenea.  If it is raining, I have a place set up on the back porch and do it in a metal burning pot I have.  If it’s horizontal rain inside the back porch, I am inside at the altar in the fireplace.  Last night it was clear at 11:00pm and I went outside and did my burning in the chimenea at the firepit area.  I have such a sense of relief and release when I am done.

Last full moon, one of the things I wrote to release were the Indian Pantry Moths and I noticed last week that I had not seen any for a week.

What are you ready to release?

In case the FTC is wondering, I am not endorsing anyone.

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