Focusing on the Positive Aspects of Things

From Valerie Sauer’s New Book of Clues: Focusing on the Positive Aspects of Things.  Snags happen. We go along thinking positive thoughts, being grateful, focusing on prosperity, expecting good things to happen, and then we hit a snag. Something happens that sets us back, and we get a chance to find out whether all of […]

Valerie Saurer’s Prosperity Project – $1,000 More Each Day

A friend has come up with a fun game that helps get you in the vibration of attracting more dollars.  The Prosperity Project can be found at Valerie Saurer’s blog The New Book of Clues.  The idea is to get used to having, spending, and enjoying money. Start small, and every day increase your allowance […]

Just A Different Way Of Looking At It

I finished final layout for the September issue of Horizons just in the nick of time last night.  Now I just need to spend a few hours proofing it before sending it off to the printer. I used to freak out if I was this late finishing it up.  But now, 17 years later, I […]

When to Work, When To Play; Facebook, Full Moon

Yesterday was the perfect working day: the perfect combination of work and play.  I sat to meditate as usual at 4:00am and then napped from 5:00-7:00am.  By 8:00am I was in the office and by 8:00pm I was out of the office. Yay, only half a day! I opened a lot of mail, sent out […]