Relaxing, Playing and Finding A New Rhythm

I had a nice, relaxing trip to Ocala yesterday, when I went to visit Catherine Wendell of Ocala Ghost Walks.  Cat does the Ocala deliveries for Horizons Magazine and is a really interesting person to talk to.  Check her website to learn about her paranormal investigations, ghost walks, new carriage walks, and psychic readings.  I drive the magazines to Ocala and Cassadaga each month myself, simply because I like the drive.  It’s a fun way to unwind after final layout.

I spoke last night to my friend Sharrie, who I wrote about in Shall I Spend Time Programming or Playing.   Sharrie had read every book out there on law of attraction and creating your own reality, but she kept forgetting the part about relaxing, and having fun.  I’ve seen Sharrie’s appointment book and she schedules herself all day every day.  If she misses a few days, she has to reschedule appointments and that puts her behind.  I identify with a lot of her behaviors.  Driving in the car, she is returning calls and making appointments.  She has a dozen projects in the works that she has lost her fire for.   She is constantly checking email and voice mail on her cell phone when she is out of the office.  She makes good money, but that’s because she works literally around the clock.  She has created such a big operation, there’s no time to think a new thought – it takes her constant attention to keep the current machine of her life in motion.

Sharrie is feeling overwhelmed, burned out and lacking passion.  And the thing is, she doesn’t talk about it to friends – she’s not one of those Debbie Downers; she’s fun and upbeat and, as Abraham-Hicks would say, in the vortex most of the time.  But we were talking today about how easy it is to forget to make time to play and release resistance, and how easy to just slink into a slump and not make a conscious effort to focus attention in a better place.

When I attracted my carpal tunnel episode last month, followed by a 10 day head and chest cold, I knew I had a bunch of resistance to something somewhere.  But, as Abraham-Hicks says, the remedy is always the same.  No matter what the problem is.  Simply pivot your focus to a better feeling thought, turn your attention to something you love, pet your cat: do anything to release resistance and put you back in a place of vibrational resonance with well being. Keep finding the better feeling thought.

Louise Hay says “As hopeless as any situation feels, it’s really only your thoughts that you’re dealing with. And you have the power to change those.

Like right now, I know I am in a bit of a slump.  As much of a slump as I get into, anyway.  Listening to Sharrie, I, too, feel somehow compelled to keep my current hectic schedule in place, which leaves me – like Sharrie – without time for a single new thought, since it takes all my thought time to keep the current machine in place.   I’ve lost perspective and am letting myself be hypnotized by the hamster wheel.  Lulled by my cozy and comfortable life.  And it’s time to find a new rhythm.

A new rhythm.  Something easy and softly flowing.  Nothing urgent or frantic, just a simple, easy flowing new rhythm.  And all I have to do to begin it is step off the hamster wheel.  Of course, that little voice in my head reminds me that hamster wheel is what cranks out the gold coins that keep us in clover.  I have to keep reminding that little voice that I am the boss of it and that gold coins can come from somewhere else if they need to.

I’d like to spend more time playing with Horizons Magazine and adding some fun features.  I’d like to find some salespeople since I have no one selling ads for me.  I’d like to do some interviews and attend more conferences and write about them.  In preparation for that, I begin to slowly step off the hamster wheel by taking no more reading appointments for 2009, which will result in free evenings for the first time in 10 years.

I’ll spend that free time doing something that brings me into alignment and allows me to release resistance.  Something fun, something new.

I can hardly wait to discover what it will be.

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