Why doesn’t Law of Attraction always work? How do I really do it? Why two versions of The Secret?

There’s still confusion over the 2 versions of The Secret DVD. I wrote in my Horizons Magazine blog post Why Does “The Secret” No Longer Contain The Secret? The Abraham-Hicks Back Story that the original version that contains Abraham-Hicks is the one with clear information on law of attraction, the least rhetoric and hyperbole.  With […]

My water pump motor lasted me 25 years!

The other day I noticed water on the floor in the garage, and I followed it to my water pump motor and expansion tank. The tank was replaced 9 years ago but the motor was the original Red Jacket Quick Set Jet installed in 1984 when Uncle Jimmy built the house for me. I immediately […]

I’m Never Surprised

Earlier this week, I wrote in A blank slate, happy for no reason that I’ve been in a great mind space the past week, where my internal dialogue has slowed to almost a halt.  When I wake up, when I’m just sitting, when I’m relaxing: a nice, serene, happy blank slate.  Happy for no specific […]

The Pain Body by Valerie Saurer, Guest Blogger

From guest blogger, Valerie Saurer.  I love it when someone says it better than I! Does this sound familiar?  You’re going along being all spiritual, mood is light, and you’re able to handle whatever comes along without breaking your stride.  You’re proud of the progress you’ve made, and you feel like your ride on that […]

No Permit For Sweat Lodge, Dispute Over Who Constructed It, Let The Games Begin

Deaths at Sweat Lodge Bring Soul-Searching. SEDONA, Ariz. — Authorities continue to investigate how two people died and more than a dozen others were overtaken during a ceremony at  James Arthur Ray’s new age Spiritual Warrior Retreat. The authorities say that Ray’s employees built the wood-frame lodge, which was wrapped in blankets and plastic tarps. […]

Even the Maya are sick of Mayan Calendar 2012 hype

I opened a can of soup last night and the expiration date on the top was December 2012.  It was right after I read this: Even the Maya are getting sick of 2012 hype MEXICO CITY – Apolinario Chile Pixtun is tired of being bombarded with frantic questions about the Mayan calendar supposedly “running out” […]

Sweat lodge victim’s family says she was in shape at spiritual retreat. How did James Arthur Ray attract this?

Yesterday I wrote at 2 die, 19 sickened at Sweat Lodge in James Arthur Ray’s Sedona Spiritual Warrior Retreat: SEDONA, Ariz. – A sweat lodge became the scene of a police investigation when more than 20 people became ill and two later died.  Self-help author James Arthur Ray (who appeared in The Secret) rented the […]

Relaxing, Playing and Finding A New Rhythm

I had a nice, relaxing trip to Ocala yesterday, when I went to visit Catherine Wendell of Ocala Ghost Walks.  Cat does the Ocala deliveries for Horizons Magazine and is a really interesting person to talk to.  Check her website to learn about her paranormal investigations, ghost walks, new carriage walks, and psychic readings.  I […]