Monthly Archives: October 2013

My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization

bank deposit slip filled outAll week I’ve been doing a version of my Paypal visualization. In these visualization sessions, I am opening the mail and stamping checks for deposit and making out the deposit slip.  I make myself feel giddy with joy that everyone who renews their subscription tips me an extra $3 or $8, so instead of a $22 payment, their check is for $25 or $30. I see checks with all sorts of 3 and 4 and 5 figure numbers on them, and I write them on the deposit slip.  So far this week, seven people overpaid me when renewing their subscription. Three sent me $25 and four sent me $30. It’s nice to attract appreciation.

RELATED: My Paypal Visualization
My Money in the Mailbox Visualization

Donate $1.00 if I’ve ever helped you

RELATED POSTS: Meditation Twice A Day
The Creative Visualization Process
Creative Visualization the 51% rule
My Paypal Visualization
My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization
More lottery wins
I Predict 4 Of Saturday’s Lotto Numbers
An 8 minute creative visualization to increase dollars
How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn
It’s all related

LEARN FREE: The Secret2Dollars. No cost, no kidding.

Pita points and celery stalks with roasted veggie dip

pita hummuscelery hummusYou know what’s really tasty? Today I roasted some veggies: cubes of eggplant, sweet potato and acorn squash, and mashed them together with some leftover parsley hummus I’d made earlier this week.  I added a handful of kale, a tsp of tahini, a tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, a lot of lemon juice, some sea salt, and zapped it with the hand mixer.  Yummy and nutritious spread on celery stalks and toasted pita. And yes, I know this post belongs on my…

Saturday 4:00pm I’ll see what surprise blessing I have

I’m doing an experiment. 48 hours from now I expect to have a surprise blessing from the Universe, that will be by 4pm Saturday. I’m so excited, I wonder what it’ll be…  I do have a special request but am open to all blessings! E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout

RELATED: 48 hours later, I got my surprise blessing!

Repetitive unwanted thoughts? Replace them

A friend writes that she can’t rid herself of obsessively being angry at her ex, who left her 3 years ago.  She sees him as a bully and since they share custody of the kids, she has to listen to his every criticism and attempt to control her with money and the children’s feelings.  “I’m fighting with him in my head every day.  I have no strength left.” My short answer is to schedule at least one joint counseling session with a licensed professional. In the meantime, if he’s a bully, recognize that he’s got some type of mental disorder which makes him act like that. He thinks he’s doing the best thing.  If he treats you hatefully, for some reason he has judgments against you and blames you for something. Whether they are real or not does not matter, how you live your life now will show him who you are.  Consider whether you want to modify behavior. Stop fighting back. Not everything he says requires a response. Let him have the last word. Release that resistance. Trust that it will all work out better than you could have imagined.  Apologize to him, forgive him. Some replacement thoughts when the anger comes up might be: Remind yourself that he loves your children and wants the best for them. He is a good father and a good provider. You have different opinions about how the children and money should be managed. Consider just letting go and doing it his way for awhile, just to float downstream and catch your breath for a moment. Give your mind and body a brief vacation from the stress. Continue reading

Awakening and Opening Eyes: Helping a friend see the caterpillar is not dying, it’s becoming a butterfly

Years ago a born again Christian friend came to me for meditation and when we began discussing metaphysical concepts, his mind blew open. He said that he was meditating and having revelations for the first time in his life. He was gaining insight from the time he spent contemplating our conversations and I witnessed his beliefs evolving and morphing. I watched the light bulbs as they went off.  What I told him is what I’d tell anyone who was newly on the path – it is good basic info, especially if you’re feeling “trapped” or imprisoned by anything or anyone. As Bo Lozoff says, “we’re all doing time” somehow. If you’re reading this, you’re undergoing some transformation in your own life so parts of this will be relevant for you. A month later I wrote to him in jail: “You said you’ve been rethinking everything you’ve ever done. You sounded resigned to it, which is good since that lowers your level of resistance, which means you’re vibrating in a more allowing and accepting place. When that happens, a better result can come about and things can fall into place quicker. Hang in there.  Plus you can practice being a yogi meditating on God all day every day you’re in there. And write! Finally, you’ve been wanting time to write!”

Continue reading

From insight to action, we find our way in our own time

A friend in jail wrote of an insight he got that really spoke to his heart, that God needed to isolate him as a warning to guard his soul before He blessed him, that he was locked up to do emotional work, which he already knew, but that this was a glimpse of the calamity that could come if left unchecked. I wrote him, “It’s so cool that you realize that. Not everyone gets it, that it’s a series of lessons unfolding on the path, the journey, to help rid yourself of any impurities you might discover you have to your character. Ridding yourself of them burns up past karma, which causes the big giant flood of momentum to catch up with you, tearing your life as you know it apart and then rebuilding it in stronger fashion.” Like all of us, he’s on and off the path and finding his way.

Begin to brew the inner stew

campfire cookingPondering life changes? There’s a time to discuss with friends and a time to contemplate and self reflect. Put your self in the steam and let your self cook.  Without the pressure release of chatting, your thoughts and inner guidance will brew a much richer stew. This inner stew of self understanding will nourish you for your lifetime, long after friends are gone.

All wound up?

string ballNotice that wound also spells wound. When we’re wound up tight as a drum, we’re all wrapped up in our wound. Unwind.