From insight to action, we find our way in our own time

A friend in jail wrote of an insight he got that really spoke to his heart, that God needed to isolate him as a warning to guard his soul before He blessed him, that he was locked up to do emotional work, which he already knew, but that this was a glimpse of the calamity that could come if left unchecked. I wrote him, “It’s so cool that you realize that. Not everyone gets it, that it’s a series of lessons unfolding on the path, the journey, to help rid yourself of any impurities you might discover you have to your character. Ridding yourself of them burns up past karma, which causes the big giant flood of momentum to catch up with you, tearing your life as you know it apart and then rebuilding it in stronger fashion.” Like all of us, he’s on and off the path and finding his way.