The unconscious mind’s automatic rebuttal to “An 8 minute creative visualization workshop to increase dollars”

dollars in handIn black below is my original 8 Minute Creative Visualization Workshop To |Attract Dollars and in blue are probably the same words you hear coming from your own conscious mind if you’re new to creative visualization and affirmative thought.  Don’t worry, these automatic counter-thoughts will only come up the first billion or so times you do it.  Let them come up and just release the thought each time and move on to the next.  With enough practice, the counter-thoughts subside and then you’ll be a real magnet. Here’s the original post in black with typical automatic counter-thoughts in blue.   

I often get asked for specific words to repeat to attract money.  The secret is they are words that make you feel excited and make you feel it is possible for you.  These are the words that do that for me.  Anytime I want more dollars to flow, I do this short visualization exercise maybe a dozen times a day.  I call it a visualization workshop because I take my visualization seriously and realize it is important work.  I think of how good it feels having extra money and getting unexpected money.  (Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice?) I remember a time I got extra money and how it felt.  (I don’t recall that.) I remember a time I got unexpected money and how it felt.  (Well I found a quarter yesterday in the parking lot.)

I remember hearing about someone getting unexpected money and how excited they were.  (There are lottery winners all the time.  I never win anything.) I remember seeing on tv and in the paper about someone winning the lotto and how excited they were.  I remember that I am the one who attracts things to me by thinking about them, so for a few minutes here I am just going to think about how I’d feel if I got some extra unexpected money.  (I don’t think that’s going to happen.  I don’t think I believe in this stuff anyway.)

I’m not going to worry about how I’m going to get it, I’m just going to pretend to myself that I just got it and think of how that would feel.  (What a stupid idea.  How can this help?  I can try it.) How good an actor am I? Can I talk myself into bringing up that feeling of excitement within me to play a convincing part? The more I practice, the easier it will get. (I just have to keep thinking how it would feel and try to think about things that make me feel all excited about being happy about it?  Yes.)

I go back to remembering every time a friend or I were excited over extra money or over winning money. (I remember my brother’s friend from the military, someone left him a lot of money in their will and he didn’t even know them.) I run each time through my head because each time I bring it to mind, I am telling the Universe that I want more of this. I want to feel more of this. I want to feel excited over winning extra money. I want to feel excited over receiving unexpected money. (I would be excited over it.  I think I am starting to feel it. So I just keep repeating the good feeling thought to me to make myself feel it more and more? Yes.)

I don’t care where it comes from. (How can I not care where it comes from?  George owes me $200 but that’s about it except for my job.) It can come from places I have no idea about. (Like where??) I’ll leave that part up to the Universe. (Easier said than done.  Maybe I could mow lawns or have a garage sale…) My part is getting excited seeing money in my account, and getting excited over seeing my name on a big check. (Ok I’m trying to do that but my mind keeps asking me where will it come from?)

I love being thousands of dollars ahead in the checking account. (Who wouldn’t?  That hardly ever happens.) I love getting paid by Paypal. (I guess I have to open a Paypal account to do this one.) I love opening the Paypal emails that say “You’ve got money!” (I’d like to get emails like that.  Now that would make me happy.)

I love getting last minute ads and last minute money. I love getting big ads on contract, since contract for me means they pay 3 and 6 and 12 months ahead to get the best price.  I love creating new ads for new clients.  (I have to skip this one because I have a different job.) I love seeing the balance increase in my bank account and my Paypal account. (Ok, this I can do.  I can try imagining the balance increase.  This might take some practice, it’s not as easy as I thought.)

I love doing visualizations like these below and when I do, more dollars begin flowing in:

I open the post office box and see check after check with my name on it. I see $3,900 and I see $5785 and I see $900 and I see $23,000. (What would someone send me checks for?) With each one, I make myself get excited about how good it feels to get big checks. (I can’t figure out why someone would be sending me checks.  It’s hard to get excited if I don’t know what someone would send me a check for.  I don’t want to get my hopes up for nothing. Or have it be a mistake and I spend it and have to pay it back and don’t have it anymore?) I dance out of the post office.

I see myself opening email and seeing dozens of Paypal notifications saying “You’ve got money!” I think, “I do, I do have money and I have more on the way.” I think how good it feels to see the emails knowing they mean money in the bank.  (I could open a Paypal account for my friends to make donations and I could sell something on eBay maybe and use the Paypal account for that.  They do say open a doorway for dollars to come in, so a Paypal account would be another doorway.)

I go to my PayPal page and see all the new payments. I see the balance increasing and I get excited about it. I see amounts of $4200 and of $850 and here’s one for $965 and another for $35,500. I like the big ones! (I can’t figure out what people would want to write me checks for.  I get hung up here each time.  How can I visualize something I can’t imagine happening?)

I don’t even stop to think of what I’d do with it right now. Right now, I am just enjoying seeing it accumulate. (Ok I’ll try to do that, see it building into a big nest egg and not worry about where it comes from or what to do with it.)

Another day I can plan what I’d like to do with it. That’s where resistance comes in for me anyway, since I too soon start justifying who and what I can help, and not where I’d go but who I’d travel with. (Me, too.  I think I should really take SoNso but she doesn’t like to walk and I could take Whozit but she’s going to complain the whole way anyway.  I don’t even know if I could take that long off work.  Oh wait I wouldn’t have to be at my job still, right, since it’s MY visualization? Ok I see how it is easy to get hung up with this thought too.  Jeez, this is hard work.)

Since I know my tendency to think counter productive thoughts automatically, I make this 8 minute workshop only about feeling good and imagining receiving more dollars. And nothing else. I acknowledge the thought when it appears and I release it as being no longer relevant. I ask Spirit to show me signs that particular thought is no longer my point of attraction. I ask the Universe to send me a sign to evidence my elevated point of attraction by virtue of my focused attention on feeling good about having what I want, and wanting what I have. Then look for evidence everywhere.

Like Abraham-Hicks says, get in, feel good, get out.
Try it right now.

RELATED: An 8 minute creative visualization workshop to increase dollars

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