Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Watchlists for Amazon Prime, Hulu and Netflix

I’m always asked what do I watch since I cancelled cable in November 2015. Here are my Watchlists as of October 15, 2017.  I did not include the home improvement and cooking shows.


Bored to Death
Covert Affairs
Dead Like Me
Family Tree
Hand of God
Magic of Belle Isle
Morning Glory
One Mississippi
Red Oaks
Royal Pains
The Newroom
The Wire

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One difference between men and women

One difference between men and women. A gal pal tells of driving clear across the state to meet in person someone she met online just days earlier. The gentleman had grossly misrepresented himself and bore no resemblance to the photo he’d sent. He was 20 years older, 18 inches shorter and 200 pounds heavier. She felt tricked since his profile pic was “her type.” She excused herself and left. So after she tells this story, my pal — the man — pipes in and says “Now that’s the difference between men and women. A man would have thought, well I’ve come all this way and the night is young…

The cool weather makes me feel frisky

It’s been a long, hot, muggy (ie, typical!) summer. Finally last night the temp dropped below 75f and my world changed. I can go outside! I can start again doing all the outside things I love to do, hiking, biking, just walking outside or sitting at the firepit, camping in the woods, cooking outdoors. The April thru September heat and humidity saps my energy but boy do I thrive when the temp and humidity go below 70! It makes me feel frisky!

Facebook goes down

The theme for the last month (year?) has been a lot of anxiety in the air, a lot of people feeling unloved, overwhelmed, frustrated with not being able to move ahead, with having to do it all themselves. A giant feeling of being disconnected from everyone. So what did we all attract? FB going down across the globe for the first time ever! I use FB to contact clients and advertisers all day, so I had to email and text. It being down for maybe 40 minutes sure reminded me what a giant convenience it is and also what giant source of connection I get from FB. Thanks for being out there.

Want patience?

When you pray for patience, do you wake up and your life is peaceful? LOL Wonder why did your life go to hell when you asked the Universe for patience? When you ask for patience, the Universe begins sending you one incident after another to trigger you, giving you many chances to react in a different way than you reacted before. When you begin reacting differently, you attract a different result, you find peace and with peace comes patience.

Locking doors keeps honest people honest

Reading the local Facebook Palm Bay crime pages, people complaining about their unlocked cars getting broken into AFTER complaining continually for months, years, about how bad neighborhood crime is getting. Maybe just because I’m from Miami but I lock my car even when it’s INSIDE my locked garage. I have burglar bars because I like living with doors and windows open when the weather is cool. I feel completely safe in my neighborhood. Locking doors keeps honest people honest.