We’ve heard for years, meditation teachers saying “close your eyes and go to your happy place” but we don’t realize the huge significance of doing that. In creative visualization we talk about going within and remembering a place of feeling extreme love, of supreme happiness and replaying that emotion and that feeling over and over in your mind for as long as you can — hopefully for 5 maybe 10 minutes a day twice a day as a meditation practice. What this does is it changes how we perceive the world. How we perceive the world is how we experience the world. In every day society, the news we watch does the work of exercising our emotional muscles to increase our capacity for psychological stress and pain. For some people, that’s hours every day. We become desensitized and often don’t notice the stress until there’s a blow up. This meditation is a release valve for that stress. This meditation is an antidote for the violent, cruel actions we witness every day — on tv, online or in real life. This meditation does the work of exercising our emotional muscles to increase our capacity for joy. It practices stretching that space like you’d expand a balloon. Once it’s stretched, it has greater capacity. The emotions are like any muscle, they have memory and they can be strengthened and programmed with daily practice. Continue reading
Category Archives: Creative visualization
Andrea’s February 2015 Editorial
Hello and welcome to the February 2015 edition of Horizons Magazine. This month, JP Sears gives tips on Living Beyond Emotional Triggers, and Karen Williams shows how to use the thought of what you don’t want as a trigger to change the energy of the circumstance. Michelle Whitedove shows how to use goal setting to assist in law of attraction and Leo Babauta suggests simplifying, cutting down and imposing limits. Different strokes for different folks, huh? Doreen Virtue discusses dreamtime with the angels, and Sonia Choquette shares her favorite traditions that keep her connected to Spirit through daily practice. Sonia Choquette really speaks to me. I’ve read all of her books and seen her numerous times. I admit my own life is a series of routines and rituals. It’s not due to superstition, it’s just that over the years I’ve developed daily practices that help keep me centered and set the tone for my day. Here are some things I do to connect to Spirit each day: Continue reading
Andrea’s January 2015 Editorial
Hello and welcome to the January 2015 edition of Horizons Magazine. We’re loving the cooler weather in Florida! 50 degree nights are perfect for sitting out at the firepit. I love having woods on three sides of me. I can feel completely isolated away from civilization yet the neighborhood is right on the other side of a few lots of oaks and pines. It becomes enchanted here at nightfall, so I enjoy the outdoors when the air turns cool. I began cutting the trails through the woods last month and spent time watching the woodland creatures that I share the property with. Their nightly parade up and down the trails is a never ending source of entertainment and contemplation. Being such a workaholic, it’s crucial that I have the wooded compound here to reboot myself in. All I have to do after a long day is take a walk around the property, check out the new growth on all the plants, maybe pick up tree branch deadfall as kindling for the nightly fire, see what creatures have been walking the trails. I live in a magical, enchanted wonderland for sure, and I love that I know it. Too often, as William Blake said, “Paradise does not make itself known to us until we’ve been kicked out of it.” Thank you, Universe, for the eyes to see what I have right in front of me while I have it. Continue reading
Commanding the Elements, Summoning the Lemon Seeds
Ah, the joy of cooking while half asleep. I made pinto bean soup last night and this morning I reheated it to adjust the flavors. I squeezed a fresh lemon, then scooped up the 8 seeds and tossed them right into three quarts of soup. I reached in as quickly as I could reach a spoon, but they were nowhere to be found. Treasure hunt for lunch! I let the soup cool as I went back into the office. An hour later, I had a thought that I could call the lemon seeds to me. If I could ease myself into unity consciousness, I could communicate with them and understand when they respond to me. It was worth a try. Continue reading
Creative visualization: If you are not receiving ideas compelling enough to motivate you into action, you are simply not visualizing effectively just yet. Practice this and you will.
If you’re visualizing effectively, you get in the moment with the feeling and the vision at the same time. From that place, you will receive thoughts and ideas that propel you into action. Action may be making a call, it may be opening a phone book, cleaning your house, taking your kid to the park or escorting your grandmother on a day of errands. Get yourself in motion and stay alert for clues. If during visualization you are not receiving thoughts and ideas compelling enough to motivate you into action, you are simply not visualizing effectively just yet. You’ll get better as you practice. See the link below for The Creative Visualization Process if you need a quick refresher. If you help after that, email me at horizonsmagazine@gmail.com, there’s no charge.
RELATED: The Creative Visualization Process (yes, it works)
Why doesn’t Law of Attraction always work? How do I really do it?
Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars Now
If you think Mondays suck and that winning the lotto will save your life from sucking, a heads up: If you’re vibing in the place of “life sucks” then you’re not vibing in the place of “money comes to me.” Find something to love about your life right now and trust me your entire world can freaken change for the better in a heartbeat. Or, you can go to work and tell everyone what a sucky day it is. Your choice. Also, spend a few minutes a day in creative visualization about what you want and how it would feel to have it. Just reading about it will put you in the vibe to attract more dollars to you. See? Right here, right now, you just attracted this message. Things are looking up already.
RELATED: How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
Meditation Twice A Day
The Creative Visualization Process
Creative Visualization the 51% rule
My Paypal Visualization
My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization
More lottery wins
I Predict 4 Of Saturday’s Lotto Numbers
An 8 minute creative visualization to increase dollars
How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn
It’s all related
LEARN FREE: The Secret2Dollars. No cost, no kidding.
Donate $1 for good luck & karma
The power of an imaginary friend. How to attract a real life friend. A visualization process to lead you out of the vibrational stance of loss and into vibrational resonance with one who understands you
Never underestimate the power of an imaginary friend to change your life for the better. A pal got ticked when he realized someone he spent 2 years with was not who she said she was. That’s been a theme for a year now. From day one, she blended into the family like a chameleon, he thought he’d found his true soul mate. Then his business failed and his income dipped. Within a month she had moved out and in with someone else. She would not return anyone’s calls or emails. A half dozen people she’d spent almost daily time with the last 2 years felt dumped by their best friend. How could she maintain the lie so consistently for so long? Only when they began comparing notes did they learn she’d told everyone a different back story. That she wasn’t a real friend didn’t negate the positive feelings she evoked as she mirrored each person back to themselves. She played a very definite purpose in everyone’s lives and soul growth. Continue reading
A Fun and Easy Money Saving Experiment For 2014
Okay, did you get all that money-spending out of your system? Before the bills begin pouring in, remind yourself that you are in charge of what you attract financially. Maybe you didn’t really believe it before. It will be easier to believe next year, because you’ll attract more evidence of it. Begin now reminding yourself that 2014 can be your best income earning year ever. Incorporate creative visualization about dollars into your daily meditation practice. This is how you begin to save for the future, by pre-paving it. Know that sometimes nothing needs to change except your perception of what is available to you. Continue reading
Ah, just like old times ~ with an upgrade
I’m getting over a cold and every day my head is getting a little more clear. I’ve also been releasing old programming during this Mercury retrograde and feeling layers of emotional weight drop. I am feeling free and clear. The thing about feeling free and clear is that it’s easy when you’re clear to review the past objectively and learn from it. I’d been living in my small contained world, happily isolated for many years. I attracted a situation which tested my ability to maintain composure under pressure. It showed me who I am when I feel pushed to the limit and I learned a lot by studying my emotions and reactions. At the time, I’d had several clients going through the same scenario in their life and I’d asked “how does someone get in a situation like *X* and not realize it? Why is it such a surprise upon realization?” The Universe answered for me in a way that threw me into their scenario and let me learn from it firsthand. Ah, I see. I now have greater compassion and understanding that I could not have book-learned. Instant upgrade!
My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization
All week I’ve been doing a version of my Paypal visualization. In these visualization sessions, I am opening the mail and stamping checks for deposit and making out the deposit slip. I make myself feel giddy with joy that everyone who renews their subscription tips me an extra $3 or $8, so instead of a $22 payment, their check is for $25 or $30. I see checks with all sorts of 3 and 4 and 5 figure numbers on them, and I write them on the deposit slip. So far this week, seven people overpaid me when renewing their subscription. Three sent me $25 and four sent me $30. It’s nice to attract appreciation.
RELATED: My Paypal Visualization
My Money in the Mailbox Visualization
Donate $1.00 if I’ve ever helped you
RELATED POSTS: Meditation Twice A Day
The Creative Visualization Process
Creative Visualization the 51% rule
My Paypal Visualization
My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization
More lottery wins
I Predict 4 Of Saturday’s Lotto Numbers
An 8 minute creative visualization to increase dollars
How can you expect a $$ windfall when you are on a fixed income?
Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn
It’s all related
LEARN FREE: The Secret2Dollars. No cost, no kidding.