Releasing old programming during this retrograde by going on a journey of discovery within my own memory

I told Facebook that I love riding around at night under the stars when it’s quiet.  A friend commented that he’s a crazy bike rider and has been hit numerous times. “Good grief,” I said, “I don’t ride anywhere but around the hood and I get off the road if a car comes.” That’s a habit I’ve had since childhood. If I am walking or bike riding somewhere alone and a car approaches, I get out of the street.  When I was a kid, my dad would tell me to get out of sight when a car approaches so they don’t take me, to duck behind a tree and stop moving so they don’t see me.  When I was 15, the daughter of someone he knew was kidnapped so I grew up being on alert for it.   With that belief system, I attracted my share of stalkers and such.  When I realized what was happening, I morphed my belief system to cut it out. When I know better, I do better.  I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting during this Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, which takes place in my 7th house of relationship.  That means all my unresolved relationship issues are laid out before me saying, “peek at me? visit me? resolve me?”  Coming out of the Sun square Pluto earlier this month and several squares and oppositions with Uranus, I thought that meant I’d be arguing with my partner.  Happily that’s not the case. He’s a chill guy, so the astrological “challenge” appears instead as me having old emotional issues surface in my mind and me working through them as they come up.

The last partner was fertile ground for the evolution of my consciousness on a lot of topics and I’m eternally grateful. The farther removed from the situation, the clearer the lessons become and I smile as they continue to unfold.  Our lessons were more astrologically 6th house (work and service) than the romantic partnering of the 7th house. They were more issues of control, trust and deciphering what is my work to do. With the Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio Oct. 21 thru Nov. 10, my lessons are squarely in my 7th house of partnership.  That means this is a good time to uncover any past baggage I have in the area of relationship and clear them out. The only problem I’m finding is it is hard to stay focused on the past long enough to have momentum for insight when my partner keeps me laughing in the now. Also we don’t yet have any issues between us that trigger anything unresolved for me, so I need to go on a journey of discovery within my own memory.

One thing I know is I don’t typically relinquish control easily, yet I’m always ready for the most capable party to take charge. I often see that as me. I believe I look at a situation objectively, decide the best and quickest way to get it done and then get it done. Then I’m immediately ready to move on to the next project. This can be seen as riding roughshod over the other party, not giving them time to ponder a situation. That has been an issue of mine in the past.

Another issue is that I’m someone who needs a lot of time to myself. I’ve been told I’ve in relationships let my partner feel abandoned. Maybe I worked this one out last time, since that isn’t an issue now.

Phooey, here I am right now I’m trying to recall what some of my issues are and since I’m in a happy fun vibe, nothing comes to mind. Maybe that’s the point, maybe it doesn’t matter, whether it’s Mercury retrograde or not, whether I can recall any past problems that might be unresolved. Maybe all that matters is that I’m happy in the Now. I’m sure when it’s time for the others to be recognized and resolved, I’ll hear from them again. I’ll keep you posted.