Author Archives: Andrea

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.  Nietzsche

JB disconnect my accounts from yours please

Jeremy, I just received an email saying: “The recovery email for your Google Account was recently changed. If you made this change, you don’t need to do anything more.  If you didn’t change your recovery email, someone may have broken into your account. Visit this link for more information:”  This should never have been linked to my email, please disconnect. Let me know you’ve seen this and I’ll trash it.  Thanks.

No longer staying in to keep you comfortable

A few months ago I chose to stop attending several venues in order to give other people their space. I’ll no longer re-arrange my life to make you comfortable. I’ll not feel terrorized in my own neighborhood and my own town, no matter what is aimed at me. I’m over it and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be going everywhere. Grow up and deal with it. Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, it’s time to love one another right now. 

Jeremy Bonner please return my items, you are forgiven

This is why you needed a new set of friends who didn’t know you. You’ve refused to return items since January despite numerous requests. I know you don’t have someone else speaking for you, that’s not who you are.  The message I sent said simply, “tell him to call K,” no details about why, so there was no need for the flareup she started. That’s why I write you here. We don’t have to speak.  Just return it.  And you could remove the post saying I got your FB page taken down and got you banned from FB since by now you know who did.  You’ve shown your character by alienating friends and family who helped you when you asked.  Now you add theft to that? Bless you and everyone whose life you affect with your deception and refusal to resolve your past. Bless everyone who vibrates in that place with you as you mature in understanding. You are forgiven. I bless every thought you have and every word out of your mouth. I return your shame, your discontent and lies with Love and truth.  May what you send out come back to you, always. 
JJB, Thank You 

A hard past? Find something salvageable and move forward

Two childhood friends have the same background of physical abuse, lived and worked side by side their entire lives and both are married. One is emotional and goes to monthly incest and abuse survivor group meetings 20 years later. The other feels the groups keep her sister focused on the past and don’t let her move beyond the victim mentality.  She can’t lose the labels. Everyone heals in their own way but her sis wishes she’d get over it and get on with her life as she did.  Her advice is to at least try what worked for her.  This is what worked for her:  Find something else to focus on and get on with her life. She is the only person suffering and she’s giving her power away by continuing on like this. We are the ones that change ourselves. Rehashing old stuff today is not healthy. Shed the victim mentality, become a warrior! Find something salvageable and move forward.

Put only kindness in motion from this point forward

When you put only kindness in motion, only kindness returns. If not, that’s just past momentum burning itself up. Reapply kindness as often as necessary for complete coverage. May all suffering cease.

RELATED: Make Peace with the Past
Coming clean about past lies will set you free
Her effort to clear up the past gave her a clean slate
The magic of making amends with those you have unclean energies with
The solution is simple: Come clean and see what the Universe rewards you with
Do the inner and outer work to clear up the past, so it doesn’t taint your new beginnings
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past
Come clean and see what the Universe rewards you with
Put only kindness in motion from this point forward

RELATED:  How To Be Honest

Florida’s summer storms clear the air

Doors and windows are open to the drizzling rain and the 72 degrees that came with her. These little summer storms clear the air, they let us renew our space each time they blow through. It’s like a combination baptism and smudging. It’s a smuptism.

There’s a place on that forehead right at the third eye that my thumb fits in perfectly. I’ll bet it unlocks something