Author Archives: Andrea

Ramona Singer gets enraged and causes a scene rather than honestly answer a simple question. It’s all about air time.

Yowza, Real Housewives of NYC, Ramona would rather blow up in a rage and turn into a screaming banshee rather than admit to a lie.  She’d rather distract from the real question at hand and make it all about something else.  That seems to be her storyline. It must be as exhausting for her as it is to watch. It takes exactly one time someone acting like that with me for me to be done. As an adult, you learn to have respectful discussion. But I get it. By acting that way, she gets more air time. And for some people, it’s all about air time.

Behind every complaint is a deep personal longing. John Gottman

Is it good? Is it bad? Don’t take score too soon

Benny the Cat is hanging inside because old black wildTom is hanging outside. YinYang chased him off twice today. You don’t have to go home, Tom, but you can’t stay here. Yinnie has been very fighty this week. She’s been protecting the little prince by keeping him inside. I thought she was trapping him to be a bitch. When you feel someone is hindering you, they may actually be helping you. Good? Bad? Don’t take score too soon.

When we’re at MY place and I’m training MY cat, I’d appreciate you not holding an opposing thought form that makes me address MY issue of giving you so much power over my experience. Thank you.

That woman loves you and she’d be in it for the long haul if she knew she could trust you. Fess up so she knows she can.

Get a Grip

Get a Grip

Get a grip.  You have a chance for a real life with her.  You can be honest with her now or you can continue to let your lies eat away your entire life.  It’s your choice.  So what if you cop to a few stupid lies that she repeated thinking it was gospel?  She’ll be proud you were courageous enough to admit it, knowing how painful it was for you.  Honor her by stopping this cycle.  When you do, the floodgates will open like you’ve been waiting for all your life.  Show that your love for her is so much bigger than your pride.

If I’ve explained and apologized for my part and they don’t and still want to hold a grudge, I will honor their decision

A friend announced publicly they want to heal a situation, yet privately it’s another story. They keep avoiding the point of the simple questions asked, they change the topic, they get angry, they come up with new things to blame me for and continue to deny responsibility. We’re not vibing in the same place, so we’re not in the same conversation.  They can’t sit with the consequences of what they’ve done.  I get punished with anger for pointing out the truth in areas they are not ready to self reflect and do inner work.  I can’t make anyone dig deep or own anything they are not ready to own. When this happens, until someone can be real with me, I grant them the honor of privacy and bless them upon their path. People who can’t handle themselves emotionally raise kids who can’t handle themselves emotionally.   It’s a viscious cycle, but it’s breakable with a little conscious effort.  Either way, it’s not my job to monitor anyone but my own self, and I’ve got my hands full with that. If I’m doing the work, I’m not worried about who isn’t doing the work.

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Conscious Coupling: Having Resolved the Past is How We Stay Conscious In the Now