Yearly Archives: 2016

Do not show up at my door unannounced

close-some-doorsWhen someone shows up unannounced and your experience tells you it’s best to keep the door closed, you keep the door closed… no matter how many times they cry wolf.  I wrote yesterday in This is a drama free zone that I love Facebook’s On This Day feature that shows me what I’d posted 1, 2, 5, 7 years before on this day.  I’d written “I don’t know how people stay in moody up and down relationships with boomerang partners. It’s such a waste of everyone’s time and energy and is mega disrespectful. Thankfully I did my time years ago. I count myself lucky getting away with less than two years babysitting a drama queen.”   I wrote that after seeing posts I’d made reminding me of the maze I’d allowed a former friend to put me thru years ago. I spent less than 3 minutes in thought time on it but thoughts are powerful things. I finished some work and at noon laid down to sleep.  A knock on the door roused me and I opened the door expecting USPS. It was the former friend I’d just been reminded of.    Continue reading

This is a drama free zone

drama-free-zoneOh, how I love Facebook’s On This Day feature that shows me what I’d posted 1, 2, 5, 7 years before on this day.  My interactions tend to be easy flowing and drama free. I don’t know how people stay in moody up and down relationships with boomerang partners. It’s such a waste of everyone’s time and energy and is mega disrespectful. Thankfully I did my time years ago. I count myself lucky getting away with less than two years babysitting a drama queen. When people learn to entertain themselves on their own, they’ll enter into more real relationships since they’re no longer looking for someone outside themselves to entertain them. When you connect to the Source within, you never look outside your own Self again, except for the fun of sharing life with beloved friends.
UPDATE:  And to make sure I make it to day 1461, I did not answer the door just now. You cannot just show up unannounced, especially after last time. If there’s anything to say, you can text or email me. Trouble can wander around outside all it wants but I don’t have to invite it in.

The September 2016 Horizons is now online, here are the Horoscopes

The September Horizons is now online at  As of  2016, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White

Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here  Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are the July 2016 horoscopes:

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I learn how to set grommets

I practice grommet setting

I practice grommet setting

I learned a lot about grommet insertion this weekend. Despite practice, I couldn’t do them correctly. I read online and followed the instructions. I bought and tried several grommet setting tools and read reviews of who’d had problems with which ones. I spent an afternoon trying to find a benchtop hand press, which I thought was the answer.  I learned new terminology and Googled eyelet vs. grommet, driver, anvil, grommet inserter, hand press, bench press  I learned about the sizes and that I needed size 000 also known as 5/32″ aka 3.9mm, and size 00 aka 3/16″ aka 4.7mm. I watched YouTube videos and did what they did. I thought. Then I watched more closely. I had the right tools but I’d not been holding the driver, the pounder piece, correctly, and I was being too heavy handed with the hammer.  I went to the workbench and tried again. I tried with several size grommets using my different tools. Success!! Why grommets? Airholes in the hats — a must in Florida — and also for those lace up corsets Benny likes to wear.

Tie Up Loose Ends

tangled-wires text

Two clients are miffed to see pics of their husbands on the new girlfriends’ Instagram announcing upcoming weddings. Both wouldn’t mind a divorce so they could get the marital debt assigned but it’s good to tie up loose ends before tying another knot. Every area of your life is related, all of it. When you don’t tie up loose ends, you’re leaving a tangled mess to wade through before everyone can get to their Happy Now.
BeliefNet: Tie up loose ends or find yourself in knots

RELATED: Tie Up Loose Ends
Your misdeeds affect your loved ones
Building momentum
Riding Out Past Momentum
Factoring in past momentum
Creating Momentum To Move In A New Direction
The process to gather momentum and amplify attraction power
Turn your attention elsewhere and stop creating more karma
When your karma visits your loved ones, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past
If you’re being blocked, look for unresolved issues to clear
When you’re doing all the “right” things and still get hit by karma, that’s past momentum
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past

What “Just Joking ” Really Means

jason steed twitterHere’s why Trump’s 2nd Amendment ‘joke’ has an impact, whether he meant it or not. An excellent Twitter thread  – @5thCircAppeals  And while plenty of people were appalled that the Republican presidential candidate would “joke” about political violence, none explained why Trump’s comment was dangerous quite like lawyer and former English professor Jason Steed.

“I wrote my PhD dissertation on the social function of humor (in literature & film) and here’s the thing about “just joking.” You’re never “just joking.” Nobody is ever “just joking.” Humor is a social act that performs a social function (always). To say humor is social act is to say it is always in social context; we don’t joke alone. Humor is a way we relate/interact with others.Which is to say, humor is a way we construct identity – who we are in relation to others.    Continue reading

Kiki Smith: “Just do your work. And if the world needs your work it will come and get you. And if it doesn’t, do your work anyway. You can have fantasies about having control over the world, but I know I can barely control my kitchen sink. That is the grace I’m given. Because when one can control things, one is limited to one’s own vision.

The August 2016 Horizons is now online, here are the Horoscopes

The August Horizons is now online at  As of  2016, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White

Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here  Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are the July 2016 horoscopes:

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Danielle Egnew on the 2016 presidential election and its role in the evolution of consciousness

This is a partial transcript of video at 2016 Psychic Presidential Prediction – You may be shocked!  of Psychic and Medium Danielle Egnew on the 2016 presidential election and its role in the evolution of consciousness — WHY certain candidates are in play, WHAT they each represent, WHO advances into the Presidency, and the MUCH bigger picture of what’s going on, from an energetic, social and spiritual perspective. This is not just about candidates — it’s about consciousness.  Here are some highlights. There is more I’ve not included:

Hillary is ushering in the feminine. Bernie is here to start an ascension in consciousness that, if trapped in the White House, is going to have its wings clipped right off and go nowhere. Bernie, even though he may not technically be on track for the presidency according to the controlled numbers — back up your perspective. It’s not about that. He’s doing more good where he’s at, doing what he’s doing for the consciousness of the whole than being stuck in that thankless job where you can’t get a thing done anyway because you’re working against a bunch of lobbyists and congresspeople.    Continue reading