Yearly Archives: 2016

Palmistry: The Hopeful Thumb of Donald Trump

Yes, they look like small hands to me, but this isn't about that

Yes, they look like small hands to me, but this isn’t about that

“Look at those hands, are they small hands?” Well, yeah, now that I look. Small hands, short fingers, adults know hand size/penis size doesn’t always match but how about the palmistry of Trump?

If he’s a contender, for office, it’s good know what we’re working with and believe it or not, there’s hope.  Those with small hands tend to think big and delegate. While his stiff hand shows a rigid personality, of note to me is that Trump has the flexible thumb. That means he can be flexible and he can flip flop, but I feel that bodes well for him being flexible if he makes it into public office. The flexible thumb is a good indicator of readiness to accept and adapt to challenges and fluctuations in life. Although currently mis-guided, he’s a very passionate and driven individual and it’s possible his passion and vision can be harnessed and channelled to do good. Help me hold that vision?   Continue reading

It’s not what we’re doing, it’s what we think about what we’re doing

man sun rainHow do you live in the same house and attract a different experience than your roomie? Maybe he listens to tv news and worries about the economy. Maybe you garden and build birdhouses and walk the dog. Maybe he’s worried he might lose his job, go bald, have a heart attack. Maybe you remember it somehow all works out.

It’s not so much what we’re DOING that determines what we attract, it’s what WE THINK ABOUT what we’re doing.

No tugging!

woman tugged uponEveryone isolates now and again. A galpal said it well: “I like solitude when I’m in overload. I don’t want anyone tugging, needing, pulling, poking, asking, manipulating, knudging, interrupting, expecting, demanding, obligating, wondering, invading, silencing, questioning, bothering, engaging, or even embracing me. I don’t get to that place often but when I do, I detach and allow myself the absolute silence and peaceful solitude necessary to become balanced once again. Sometimes it feels selfish but I know that it is necessary for me to be me at my best.”

No I wouldn’t move

ive got the powerAm I moving out of the country if Trump is elected president? There’s no reason to give anyone that much power over me and my happiness. As far as I can see, nothing will change with me and my happy life. If for some reason I’m unable to do what I now do for income, I’ll find something else to do. If for some reason I can no longer live where I’m living, I’ll find somewhere else to live. I don’t need to know ahead of time HOW these things are going to come about. I just need to have the expectation and belief they will. I have faith everything will work out since that’s always been my experience. My desire to thrive in whatever condition I find myself in taps me in to my intuition and moves me forward toward solutions. I’m always on the lookout for solutions and fun ways of being and guess what? I always find them because I know I’ve got the power. The power to focus on what needs to be done in the moment and the power to stick with it until it’s done. And the power to choose to love it at every stage along the way, no matter who is elected.

RELATED: A Call to Lightworkers to hold the vision of Trump’s Awakening
Palmistry: The Hopeful Thumb of Donald Trump  
No I wouldn’t move

I don’t watch it

caterpillar to butterfly textA friend asked why I’m not freaked about the election. Easy, I don’t watch the news. I pay attention to what’s in front of me right now in my own life. A lot of stuff freaks us out when we believe we only have one life to get it right or get it done.

The people and circumstances we attract depends upon our focus

Something new being offered. He doesn't see it, nor the 3 previously offered

Four of Cups. Opportunity being offered. He doesn’t see it, nor the 3 previously offered

I finally listened to a friend’s video and understand what the problem is. I live in the same town he does but we live in two very different worlds because we each choose a different focus. He said he considers most spiritual practice to be the practice of denial and that he’s lost most of his former spiritual community because of that belief. But he misunderstands. He hasn’t “lost most of his former spiritual community” because he believes them to be “in denial of what’s really happening.” He’s lost them because all he does is angrily point out what there is to be afraid of and how things are always going wrong. He said it’s time for God to start supporting the people who want to do the right thing. If he looked for evidence of that, I think he’d be pleasantly surprised. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here’s the back story.  The last several years he makes daily videos chronicling the ongoing conflict he encounters.  He’s lost his home and been ripped off by those professing to care. I gave him my input and suggestions years ago, but it wasn’t for him. You can’t tell anyone something they aren’t ready to hear. I wrote about it in Sept 2008 –> A dream with Dr. Mary and she’s got a messageContinue reading

Daily practice

I guess I figure everyone who reads my pages is into some kind of personal development or self improvement path, whether they count it as a spiritual practice or not. Or they at least understand the concept of being on a personal path. I figure we on some level all vibe the same or we wouldn’t know of each other. So I figure like me most have a daily practice of introspection about why I do and say and act and react as I do, especially if something riles me. I figure like me most have a daily practice of meditation or contemplation or quiet time to have thoughts bubble up and to process and disburse them. Maybe it’s just saying nightly prayers and morning gratitudes. And if they do not have a daily practice, then they understand on some level the concept what it is to have a personal daily practice. I know a lot of people “aren’t into it” but I figure whoever reads Horizons or my pages is either into it or gets it. I’ve got a pretty easy and drama free life so there are no ongoing challenges. But I certainly go through my unconscious times where I am critical or feel the need to shame someone when they fail to meet my expectations. Evolution is that more and more I catch myself and do better the next time. That’s why they call it practice.

Soul Work and Predictive Astrology Transits

adm astro 72transits 2-25-16Thursday and Friday were hectic days of start ‘n stop, make a plan/change a plan and it took me thru the weekend to catch up. I seldom get aggravated, frazzled and flustered but boy I did a few times each of those days! I also seldom look at my own astrology transits (predictive astrology) ahead of time — although reading them in advance might give me clues to avoid upcoming challenges. But I find it insightful to read them afterward. When I felt well out of the storm, I looked back to see what I’d just gone through. I checked the Moon first, since that’s a 2.5 day journey through the emotions. I’m quick to speak my mind, slow to anger and quick to let go. So when I found myself biting my tongue, getting irked and hanging on after something had been resolved, I knew soul work was at play.    Continue reading

Morning walk

woods-red-hill72It was 44 Florida degrees when I walked just before dawn this morning. I’ve been off my walking and working out routine for months and it feels good to be back at it. It’s very easy for me to isolate and let the work pile up on me, and spend all my time at the computer. When it finally gets to me, or I look up and realize what I’m doing, I dash outside and get involved in either a walk or gardening. Both will take me out of my head as I morph into Observer mode. I can hear the crickets in the woods I pass, and hear my shoes on the road as I walk.  I do some deep breathing and put on the gloves I keep in my jacket pocket. My nose was cold, my face was cold, although I was warm enough in sweats, a knit cap, scarf and jacket. Yeh, I’m a Florida gal. 44 is COLD to me. It warmed up as I walked and on the way back I had my jacket wrapped around my waist. A few homes had lights on, not one dog barked. I love that quiet pre-dawn time and I love being out in it. As I rounded a corner, someone was cooking bacon.
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The March 2016 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

March 2016

March 2016

The March Horizons is now online at  As of the February 2016 issue, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White

Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here   Here are the March horoscopes:  Continue reading