Yearly Archives: 2011

I remember Momma 2011

Mom 1968I wrote in I Remember Momma about how my mom died on April 8, 1996 of her first heart attack.  We didn’t expect it, she’d not been sick, so there was no time to worry beforehand.  My mom and I were very close and we spoke on the phone nearly every day.  I always thought that when she passed I would freak right out, but surprisingly I didn’t.  In fact even now, 15 years later, it still feels as though she’s just in the other room and that I can speak with her anytime I want to.  In the two days between her heart attack and passing — which we did not know was going to happen —  she was heavily medicated and could not speak, yet managed to open her eyes very wide once in order to look me in the eye and let me know she was still in there.  I talked to her and I whisper-sang to her.  Her lips looked dry and I asked if she wanted Chapstick.  She pursed her lips and I put the Chapstick on her.  It was the most holy moment I ever spent with her.    Continue reading

It’s a signpost that you’re getting close to what you want

A friend just emailed me that things are turning around for him, and he’s got a job interview for the first time in months.  Him having the interview scheduled shows that he’s finally vibrating in harmony with a new job.  If this isn’t the one, that’s ok, this is a signpost on the way to the one 🙂

Remind yourself that how you thrive depends on how you think

flower-in-sidewalkDon’t be spooked about the state of the economy.  Not everyone is in a downturn.  Remind yourself that doesn’t have to be your experience. Remind yourself you can attract a different result.  How you thrive depends on how you think.  Remind yourself that opportunities can be found everywhere.  Remind yourself that God/Spirit/the Universe is your supply.  Remind yourself that you attract what you focus on, then focus on noticing all the good things there are around you.

RELATED:  The way to happiness is through training yourself to think thoughts that bring you joy and give you hope

When I began enjoying bill paying, I was more able to

I’m happily paying bills these days. On bigger accounts, I always pay at least the minimum balance plus the finance charge to make sure I stay ahead. I basically pay as much as I can on everything that I’m not paying off that month. I’m so glad someone turned me onto that habit years ago.  I used to not pay bills on time because I didn’t have the $. Then I’d pay them late because I was too lazy or busy to do it on time. Then I discovered that I’m in charge of how I think and act. When I began happily paying bills on time, suddenly I always had the money to do it. Nice how that works, huh?

When I Get Whiney, I Think of Her

My friend Miro Posavec wrote on Facebook, “Years ago, I had a client. She went blind two years after becoming an architect. I asked her if she was angry or frustrated about losing her life’s vocation. Her response: “I was able to accomplish my dream. How many people do that? Now, I get to discover a new dream, and start over.” Whenever I get whiny, I think of her. Brilliant lady with a fantastic attitude. She’s blind, and I can’t see…. “

BEWARE: Fake AOL email asking for your account info looks official

This AOL scam email looks official

AOL Users: If you got an email from asking you to update your account, don’t do it, it looks official but it’s a scam. Instead, call AOL at 1-800-827-6364 or to check your account status, visit  The email is in the AOL blue and looks official and reads:

It has come to our attention that your AOL Billing Information records are out of date. That requires you to update the Billing Information. Failure to update your records will result in account termination. Please update your records within 24 hours. Once you have updated your account records, your AOL session will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Failure to update will result in cancellation of service, Terms of Service (TOS) violations or future billing problems. You must click the link below and enter your login information on the following page to confirm your Billing Information records.

DON’T DO IT, this is a hacker, report it to AOL and report it as spam.

I get a Real Housewife as a client

Interesting.  I had a reading with a new client and she’s one of the Real Housewives.  As soon as I got off the phone with her, I did a quick word search at my blog to see if I’d written anything snarky, but she’s one that I like so all was well.  I like how that always seems to work out.

RELATED: Celebrity Clients
I guess I said the wrong thing to Medium Allison DuBois
The Real Housewives are all such mean girls
The Real Housewives of Orange County and Lynne’s Eviction Notice
The Real Housewives of NJ bring me a 14x windfall
The Real Housewives of NJ and other unreal reality shows 
A Psychic Reads the Auras of the Real Housewives of Orange County
The Catty Housewives From Catsville
Real Housewives: When the personality overshadows the soul
The real story is SO much more fascinating, trust me
Real Housewives – Insecure Mean Girls Who Never Grew Up
No longer in the vibe to watch The Catty Housewives From Catsville
Real Housewives of Atlanta: Apollo admits he lied about Kenya and kept it up for two years
Tamara, when you understand, you change
Ramona Singer causes a scene rather than answer a question. It’s all about air time

When things unravel and fall apart in your hands

My vest and tie

This morning I’m sewing a vest that I’ve designed and the fabric is a beautiful chiffon that is very fragile to work with.  I have to hem the edge as soon as I cut it, or else it unravels easily.  I have friends like that, too.  No matter how gently I handle them, they can fall apart in my hands if I’m not careful.  I used to walk on eggs with them, staying careful.  Now I steer clear and everyone is happier.  So why sew with chiffon at all? Because the result is so worth it. Kinda like that one pesky pal, you gotta decide what’s worth it and what’s not.

All the planets are ganging up in my 12th house for my birthday

My transits today 4-4-11 for DOB 4-10-52 Miami, FL 6:20am

I love playing with astrology and each year before my birthday I make time to study my chart to see how the current planetary transits might be affecting me.  Right now there is a stellium of planets in Aries, right on top of my natal planets.  Like 6 little gang members stomping into my quiet, secret 12th house, Uranus and Mars are at 1 degree Aries, Sun at 14, Jupiter at 15, Moon at 21 and Mercury at 23.  They are right next to my Venus at 0 Aries, Mercury at 11, Sun at 20, Ascendant at 25, Jupiter at 25.  They all oppose my Libra planets Moon 21, Saturn 20, Neptune 20 in 6th house, where I see Saturn is right now at 13 degrees.  Whoa say the non-astrologers — what does that all mean?  For me, born April 10, 1952, it means there is a lot of subsconscious activity, a lot of activity brewing behind the scenes, and a whole lot of thinking going on.

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