I posted a few versions of this MONEY MANTRA on Facebook since real life friends have been having success stories. I have them show me their evidence before I count their story as true: a copy of the refund check they received, the bonus, the deposit into their bank, the transmittal letter. Half of them were long time clients, so I knew their financial “before” situation. When I’m working with someone to increase their income, I initially have them send me their last few tax returns and then their monthly bank statements. That’s how we track progress in real time, There’ve been 4 so far who’ve received out of the blue windfalls. They said the only thing they did differently was sing this mantra until it got stuck in their head.
The thing is, tho, by having the words running subconsciously, they’re entertaining the idea that it could be true for them. That heightens their expectation and belief and lowers their resistance as far as what is possible for them. It opens their eyes to opportunities they may have overlooked before. Something they previously thought they couldn’t obtain, now seemed attainable. Expecting money out of the blue now seemed possible. Coincidence? Maybe. Try it and you tell me. Continue reading