The End Of A Good Week

It’s been a good week.  I got the October issue of Horizons to the printer, and I’ve enjoyed participating in Valerie Saurer’s Prosperity Project.  Each morning and evening she makes a post on Facebook and I go read her blog and do the exercise.  It’s fun and motivating.  I’ve been playing with predicting lottery numbers […]

The Miracle and the Bluejay On The Branch

I was walking around in the yard earlier this week and watched a bluejay land on a slim dead branch that then broke off underneath him.  He just sang his song as he dropped the branch and flew away. I thought, “I know I can do that, too, if my ground ever falls away; just […]

Leaving the Physical Body Does Not End The Connection; Transmuting Energy; Procrastination & Incubating Ideas

In October 1997, we witnessed the passing of two profound women who lived their lives as a testament to caring for and comforting others. Both Princess Diana and Mother Teresa were monumentally compassionate and courageous and, as Jean Houston so poignantly put it, “willing to shine light in places many of us are afraid to […]

Clearing my underbrush and managing the deadfall

Sunday, March 22, 2009.  Happy Sunday.  I spend much of yesterday out in my far backyard, clearing out some vines and limbs I’d cut back in November.  Since keeping up with the yard is a big job, I do it in stages.  Last November, I  cut back a lot of vines and tangled branches in […]

I like to do things in stages

Wednesday, February 25, 2009. I like to do my office administrative work in stages.  Like I may open all the mail at one time, and sort it out as its opened.  Another time I’ll log it all in.  Another time I’ll make up the deposit.  I find doing it in small snippets makes it more […]

The morphing sleep cycles of menopause. 15 things to do when you can’t sleep. Here are lots of links to natural sleep aids.

When I entered menopause at age 42, I noticed my sleeping patterns beginning to change.  Like everyone else, at first I fought it and tried all sorts of things to keep me asleep for my previous 6-8 hours at a stretch.  If you listen to the tv ads, that’s what’s “normal” and menopause was “interrupting” […]

I should clear my desk of work today but think I might want to tackle a giant cleanup in my main office. I put all these neat little white bookcases in here so I could keep papers visible without having a second desk, yet now I have 4-5 little tray tables full of work covering the […]