I should clear my desk of work today but think I might want to tackle a giant cleanup in my main office. I put all these neat little white bookcases in here so I could keep papers visible without having a second desk, yet now I have 4-5 little tray tables full of work covering the bookshelves so I can’t even see them.  I find I am too comfortable sitting in a space that slowly becomes a nest buried under a mound of papers.  So maybe this week I will get organized in here.  Then all that is left is organizing my back office.  My closets are all good.   My shed could use some organization but it’s manageable and very little trash or clutter. Oh, wait, there’s my back porch.  I still haven’t folded my tent up properly and put it back away.  It’s on the back porch dry and folded on the table.  The back porch gets real dirty because all the pollen from the oak overhead seeps in through the screen and settles on everything.  Then the cobwebs appear, then dustbunnies.  I slept all night on the couch and moved sprinklers around when I woke up.  I cooked some chicken for dinner and some rice.  I love a rice cooker!  I put chicken strips in the freezer when I get them and then a couple of hours later I cut them into like 1-2″ cubes and freeze in the portions I want. Because I’ve learned I will eat whatever I cook, 4 oz or 16 oz.  So I have the thawed chicken cubes in a big baggie and I open it up and throw a bunch of white flour in it, and about a tablespoon yep tablespoon for every 4 oz I’d say garlic powder, and maybe a half teaspoon each of salt and pepper, cumin, thyme, cinnamon, maybe some paprika and a pinch of red pepper if I’m feeling frisky.  Then I blow air into the baggie as I close it up, then shake it all around and then let the air out and squish the flour into the chicken real good.  Then I put 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan and saute the chicken in it.  It’s the thing I cook and eat that by far has the most fat.

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