Ah, the clean slate effect – I clean out my office

The other day I moved my laptop out of my dining room and into my bedroom.  In the evenings when I want to check email and play on Facebook, I now have to step into my home office to do it.  That’s turned out to be a good thing since I get more work done, […]

Creating room to breathe

I’ve been busy the past few days finishing final layout on the September issue of Horizons Magazine and haven’t had time for too much else.  That seems like a fib when I check the nonsense I’ve written on my Facebook wall all day long, but it only takes a moment to make a post while […]

The power goes out at the end of a busy day

Yesterday was one of my busy days.  The August issue of Horizons Magazine was delivered, so I spent the morning getting it in the mail.  Tropical Storm Bonnie was off the coast, so it was a really windy day.  At the loading dock in the downtown Melbourne, FL main post office, carts were rolling and […]

In the 70’s I cooked for my brother Bobby

I wrote yesterday in Weeding out to create room for what I want that I noticed my laundry room and pantry area needed decluttering, so I spent the morning cleaning and organizing.  I ran across about 24″ of cookbooks, some of them I’ve never opened, some 30 and 40 years old.  I see I have […]

Weeding out to create room for what I want

My friend Domino just wrote me “I just spent the last three hours in my backyard pruning, weeding and watering plants. I’ve been told that, according to feng shui, my deck area is the love and relationship area of my home. I noticed there was a lot of growth there but it was all just […]

I’m loving what is, yet eager for more

It’s been a whirlwind week and for the first time in years actually feels like a holiday weekend.  Working for myself the past 18 years, I am outside the Monday thru Friday. 9 to 5 schedule.  Late night, weekends and holidays are my busiest times for psychic readings, so it’s easy to lose track of […]

Do you know what dust is? Clean the way for tomorrow.

Do you know what dust is? It’s particles of the past YOU. These particles are the remainder of who you were before you became who you are right now.  You don’t vibe in that old place anymore, so those particles dropped away.  You don’t need those reminders.  You wouldn’t leave all your old boyfriends lying […]

Taking What I Have and Making What I Want

I’ve been enjoying having a week out of the office, and I’ve been moving furniture around like crazy at home.  Last month I gave away my little fainting couch and that opened up a whole lot more of the living room.  I like to walk into a room and see big open spaces.  I moved […]

More Space Clearing, I Spend The Weekend Painting Furniture

This weekend I had all sorts of plans to get all the quarterly records together for my tax accountant, plus make copies of them for her.  I didn’t do any of that.  Instead, I spent Friday moving furniture around, clearing out my back office, and tossing files that I no longer needed. I see former […]