The Miracle and the Bluejay On The Branch

I was walking around in the yard earlier this week and watched a bluejay land on a slim dead branch that then broke off underneath him.  He just sang his song as he dropped the branch and flew away. I thought, “I know I can do that, too, if my ground ever falls away; just drop it and fly elsewhere singing.” It made me think back to times in my life where it wasn’t easy to let go and I didn’t think I had anywhere else to fly to, much less be singing on the way there.  That was when I believed what the world told me was true; when I operated within their guidelines for how life works.  And that was when I learned that if I agree to play the game of how the world tells me that Life works, then I am bound by their rules and their guidelines, and must be satisfied with their results.

But I learned that I could come to a conclusion that the outer world would deem impossible, if I stepped outside of the rules and guidelines of the outer world.  If I stopped believing their faulty beliefs.  If I started believing that miracles happen all the time and that I can have and be and do anything I put my mind to.

And that doesn’t mean breaking the laws of the outer world.  It just means staying centered enough to trust my own inner counsel, and following guidance when it comes.  It means not cluttering up my life with a lot of wasted talk and wasted thought energy.  It means believing and expecting good things to happen to me, and looking for evidence of that in every waking moment.

And when I do that, miracles do happen.  To me, miracles are merely natural events that transcend our familiar band of perception.  And like anything else, the more I look for them, the more I find, until my entire life is one miracle and lucky happening after another.


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