I’m happy when I’m paying attention to what is right in front of me

butterfly-in-handIt feels good to wake up and walk out here and see everybody happy, nothing in controversy, the sun shining, a happy day. That is because I am only looking at what is directly in front of me. I’m not looking at the news or at anyone else’s business. I’m looking at the people and situations that I can reach out and touch with my hand because they are physically in front of me. That is my work to do, to find harmony with whatever is right in front of me. I don’t need to look overseas for controversy, I don’t need to look at a local news channel, that’s just inviting a bunch of stuff into my life that isn’t there for me to do. And what is directly in front of me is happy and peaceful flowing smoothly.

It’s hard to see what good will come from upheaval

new-beginning-brave-enough-to-say-goodbyeDon’t you love/hate it when you get a chance to practice faith and trust and what you know about law of attraction? A friend and spiritual teacher writes: “Beyond frustrated. Everything current and future life—work & class files, all emails, passwords, new job sites, rental places… All wiped clean. Like they never existed. Not in a cloud. Not on a server. Poof like my life for the last 6 months never happened. The feeling of helplessness & frustration is real.
— I know how she feels. My website and backup files were hacked several years ago and was down for months while my brother recreated it. At first I flipped out but the fact was there were a lot of things on the old site that were no longer current or even relevant. Computer tech friends told me my website could not be restored. My brother warned me he might not be successful. I understood their concern was based on their own past experience.
— But my past experience is that things always work out for me. My past experience is that I don’t need to know the details of how something is going to work out. I just need to have faith that it will. And it somehow always miraculously does. Out of 3,977 pages I only had to redo 108 that dropped off. When it happened, I was forced to rethink who I was and what I was doing. I received valuable insights and lessons I would not have learned otherwise. It’s hard to see — when we’re in the midst of upheaval — the good and the fresh beginning that will come on the other side of it once the slate is wiped clean, whether by our choice or not.

RELATED: I expect a miracle and my brother rescues my website

Vitamins D3 and its necessary companion K2

My friend Patti Kimler has great info on vitamins D3 and K2. She writes, “Let’s talk about Vitamin D3! First of all, it’s not a vitamin, it’s a hormone. Second, you probably don’t have enough of it floating around in your body. And third, it’s being proven to the be the greatest immuno-regulator that your body has to work with. If you put on a tank top and shorts and go outside for 20 minutes in the sun (without sunscreen), a fair-skinned person’s body will manufacture 10,000 IU’s of Vitamin D3. When your blood is tested, a healthy person should register around 100 units of Vitamin D3, but that number is likely to change. (A person like me with MS should have a D3 count between 150 and 225). The Vitamin D Council (I bet you didn’t know there was one), has been trying to get the FDA to raise the RDA of Vitamin D3 from 600 IU’s to at least 1000, but it’s been slow going. Immuno-regulator? What the heck is that? When you have an auto-immune disorder/disease, like MS, your immune system (usually the T-cells that are manufactured in your lymph glands) attacks some part of your body that it should recognize as part of your body but doesn’t. D3 is being shown to be the light that switches on and shows your body what it’s doing, so it stops! All over the world, D3 is being used to treat everything from autism, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV, ALS and many others.   

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The words “prayer” and “God” used to tick me off

cosmic-man-world-childThe word prayer used to tick me off . For too many years it reminded me of the big fearful guy in the sky who stood ready to smite at the smallest transgression. It was only later I learned that was not what God was and that was not what prayer was. I didn’t use the words for many years because those words alienated me and I did not want to alienate anyone I was trying to convey processes and techniques to. Sometimes I think of prayer as asking for someone with greater knowledge and influence than I have to join with me in creating a new circumstance that I am fully aware of being able to create by faith in my own focus of thought but it helps me to imagine there is a co-Creator, an energetic Investor with far more resources than I, Who can guarantee the success. When I think of it that way it activates my internal guidance system and I get as much response as if I was sitting having coffee with you.

The December Horizons is online, here are the Horoscopes

The December Horizons is now online at http://horizonsmagazine.com/mags_online/12-16-Issue.pdf.  As of  2016, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White
Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here http://horizonsmagazine.com/blog/introducing-horizons-new-astrologer-maya-white/  Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are this month’s horoscopes:   

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Being mocked is a holy endeavor

cosmic-man-arms-outstretchedTo be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood. We undergo a crucifixion in every lifetime and our response to it balances karmic debt and determines how long we keep ourselves on the cross. It’s the same as coming to the altar to pray, expecting to receive fully, when we’ve not first forgiven everyone and everything. The initiation is in being mocked, hated and misunderstood. We run the gauntlet of the initiation by how we respond and react. The honor and blessing of it is being given an opportunity to resolve the past, do things differently and make a clean start. It’s a holy endeavor.

Whether you love me forever is irrelevant

butterfly-in-handWhether you love me forever is irrelevant. What is relevant is that, while you love me, you love me fully. We don’t regret our past, we don’t anticipate a future. We enjoy each holy, sacred moment we’ve got right Now and we stay flexible enough to ever-morph into more of what our work together is to be. Who’s to say whether that’s 24 more hours or 24 more years? All that matters to me is that in the Now, I feel happy, I feel content, I feel I am doing meaningful work, I feel that I love and am loved, I am having fun, I feel emotionally supported. At some point, I learned it’s irrelevant whether that love comes from a particular person or not, and learned the duration had zero to do with it. The intensity of the connectedness and fun-ness in the Now is everything. Everything.