
Some kind testimonials for Andrea’s reading sessions: How blessed I was to find you.  Who so effortlessly showed me who I was and made me see through the lies I’d been told and began to believe myself.  Thank you. Jeremy James Bonner (TwoFishesMedia) I wanted you to know that you were on target more than […]

Having My Attachments Pointed Out

I love using AOL on Mozilla Firefox.  It watches out for me.  I often email myself from home at night, and open it at the office in the morning.  When I went to send an email reading to a client the other day, the topic was her back and forth relationship with an unsuitable lover, […]

My morning in the ‘hood

Did you ever have one of those long, long nights where you were getting some good quality sleep, yet woke up several times in the night just to check the clock and see you felt great, felt rested, felt sleepy and still had hours and hours left to sleep?  I had one of those last […]

How I finally unplugged from cable

It took me having a tummy bug to decide it was time to disconnect from cable tv.  I had a 3 day bug last month with fever and chills and body purging. I hadn’t been that sick in years. Being helpless definitely puts your mind in a different place. Sickness doesn’t worry me as I’ve […]