When to Work, When To Play; Facebook, Full Moon

Yesterday was the perfect working day: the perfect combination of work and play.  I sat to meditate as usual at 4:00am and then napped from 5:00-7:00am.  By 8:00am I was in the office and by 8:00pm I was out of the office. Yay, only half a day! I opened a lot of mail, sent out […]

Good RX: just lazing around having a mindless day

I had a fairly mindless day yesterday; the kind I don’t have very often.  I woke up and did my morning meditation and went for a quick bike ride around the neighborhood before dawn while it was cool.  I love the predawn hours, when everything is quiet and still.  There’s no anger in the air.  […]

Back to the daily routine

Tuesday, June 16, 2009.  Well, it’s life back to normal after the Universal Lightworkers’ Conference. Back to  final layout on the July Horizons Magazine, and back to my flat hair now that I’m home in muggy central Florida.   Spending the weekend inside the hotel (no humidity!) for the conference, my hair was big, California hair.  […]

What I did this full moon evening

Sunday, June 7, 2009.  It was a beautiful full moon last night. It rained here much of the evening, so I didn’t see the moon rise over the east pinewoods until after 10:00pm.  I walked around outside for a bit in my rain poncho and rain boots and, when the rain would let up, I’d […]

Taking my breaks when I can and where I am

I finally got the June Horizons Magazine done and it will go to the printer on time.  This is the first time I’ve finished it so close to the wire.  I layout most of the articles and the ads 4-5 months ahead of time.  Advertisers pay up to a year in advance, so I know […]

A lazy day today

Thursday, May 14, 2009.  I woke up this morning feeling rested and revived after my little tummy bug or whatever it was earlier this week.  So now I just have to get right to work finishing the June Horizons so I can get it to the printer on time.   Since I have to give that […]