A reminder from the Universe

Monday April 27, 2009. I had a gentle reminder from the Universe yesterday.  I’m pretty strict about what I eat since I changed several years ago to a very low fat diet.  I don’t really miss certain foods anymore, but I miss the idea of certain foods.  So Sunday I had a sandwich for lunch.  […]

My Friday

Today we got the mailing done for the May Horizons.  So I haven’t had time to write anything.  Except here are my Facebook posts for yesterday and today. I can’t wait for the sun to come up to go see the cardinal chicks as soon as mama gets off the nest Mama cardinal has not […]

Yesterday afternoon in the yard

Thursday April 23, 2009.  I wrote this yesterday as I sat out on the yard.  it was such a serene scene that I wanted to share it with you.   I’m sitting herein the shade of the mulberry, next to the loquat tree in the back yard.  The loquats are gone now, the last ones […]

Daily doings around AndreaLand

Tuesday, April 21, 2009.  Yesterday was a flurry of getting the May Horizons Magazine to the printer – which I do electronically by the way, via cyberspace.   So while I had to stay near the computer in case they called me to make changes, I was able to go out and play in my […]

My Facebook posts this week

Sunday, April 19, 2009. I’ve spent the last few days finishing up the May Horizons Magazine and today it goes in to the printer. When I have to stay glued to the keyboard and in the office for days at a time, my only goof-off time is when I am rebooting the computer.  Then I […]

Changing with the times, contracts, extending credit

I’ve spent the past week doing final layout for the May 2009 Horizons Magazine.  Although most of the articles and ads are placed months in advance, final layout week is not just a heavy 10 days of design tweaking, it is a constant flurry of mail and email revisions and phone calls for payment.  I’ve […]

Communicating with the critters you share space with

Thursday April 9, 2009.  It’s been a busy week in AndreaLand.  I’ve been finishing up some personal projects which have kept me – surprise – at the computer almost around the clock.  Why would I spend my week off at the computer, where I spend 12+ hours a day working?  How is that different from […]

Transplanting cuttings

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009.  Happy April Fool’s Day. I’ve had the luxury of a few days off and wow, that really feels good, even if I am just doing things around the homestead here.  I spent a couple of days picking up deadfall from the oaks and pines, taking it out to the street and […]