Keeping Your Muscles in Motion Keeps You at Less Risk for Azheimer’s Disease and Aging in General

At Greater Muscle Strength Associated With Decreased Alzheimer’s Risk:  A study has found that individuals with weaker muscle strength appear to have a higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease and declines in cognitive function.  Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by declines in memory and other cognitive functions, and is also associated with other features, such as impaired […]

8 Signs the Recession is Over

In Eight Signs The Recession Is Over, Peter Cohan writes: “I recently delivered a Webinar, Economic Outlook: U.S. and Key  Industries, and got asked a very interesting question — How will we know the recession is over?  With Thursday’s report that productivity grew 9.5 percent while the number of people added to the unemployment rolls […]

Going Rustic In Suburbia

It’s such beautiful cool weather, I’ve had my windows open since yesterday.  At 2:00pm, it was  84 degrees but only 59% humidity so it felt like 70 degrees.  Actually, anything less than 80% humidity is a relief big time to us here in Florida.  My entire house is under a heavy oak and pine tree […]

Vacation Time In Sunny Central Florida

Autumn has officially arrived here in central Florida. Just before sundown yesterday, I noticed it was cooler outside than in, so I turned off the a/c and opened up all the windows.  That means we had only five months of summer heat and humidity this year – yay!  Right now it’s down to 65 degrees […]

Road Trip: Getting Away From It All

I went to Cassadaga with my pal Theresa Hudson yesterday.  Even though we were just delivering the October Horizons magazine, we made it into an exciting adventure.  We both agreed that one of our favorite things is to go on a road trip.  The last real road trip I did was in 2006 when Beth […]

Watching the Bamboo Grow as Florida Summer Comes To An End

Yesterday was an especially good day.  I’d completed the October issue of Horizons Magazine the day before, and had just finished placing some last minute ads and proofreading.  That meant I had the weekend off – yay!  When I took the garbage out about 9:00am, I noticed the air was cool and crisp. These are […]