Monthly Archives: December 2012

What do the statistics matter if I’m happy and have more than enough anyway?

Good news from tax accountant, I don’t need to make the December IRS payment because my income was cut in half from last year.  Really?  Shouldn’t I be squeaking then? Apparently everything else in my life accomodated and made it all work out because I’m living the same happy life. I haven’t looked at my profit and loss statements for years because I know the numbers don’t mean a thang.  My being happy is what counts. What do the numbers matter if I’m happy and have more than enough either way?

Recalling Al Lagano

Al Lagano

Al Lagano

Al  was the attorney I worked for when (astrologially) I hit my Uranus opposition at age 40. Working at the Nick Tsamoutales law firm was a real motivator for conscious evolution and not only because they had the longest hours and lowest pay of any legal office in the area.  1992 was a pivotal time in my spiritual awakening when I was practicing tapas/austerities and putting myself through many disciplines and deprivations. I’d just left working for Judge Stanley Wolfman in Rockledge 30 miles north. I wasn’t yet ready to work full time for myself. Al’s office was close to home and he was fun in the interview. Al had a mixed legal practice and I had experience in everything he did and knew the software. The pay was half the going rate but I took the job as a “deprivation” to work through, to overcome my belief I had to make a certain amount of money each week. To see what spiritual lesson I might gain by my self imposed “poverty.” Al was a fun guy, he got along with everyone.  He had a few shady clients (which likely got him into his current mess) and I later went into business with one of them, Steve G. Smith. I left when Nick’s paralegal showed him my Yellow Pages ad for legal document preparation under the name Andrea’s Legal Ease.  I thought what I did on my own time was no one’s business but he saw it as a conflict and fired me.  As I was packing my desk, Steve approached me about doing collection work for local veterinarian offices he knew, so we went into business together. For a short time.  Steve acted dishonorably during our venture and I got a good lesson. But Al, Al was always a real cool guy. Today is his 4 year anniversary of being in custody. It looks like he got home for the holidays —Brevard lawyer detained in Ecuador after skipping town before grand theft trial


Reviewing the year for what you want to continue doing

The 3 people you’ve spent the most time with the past 12 months, do they inspire you and encourage you and make your life easier? Are they just as supportive of your projects as you are of theirs?  Do they do what they say they’ll do? Or do they waste your time and upset your schedule and give little if anything back in return? I sat out at the chimenea last night and did a burning bowl ceremony with a friend.  Domino has  had an active year and needed time away from home and family to unwind and alpha out in front of a soft flame.  To forget about everything else for a moment and focus only inwardly on what does he need and what would bring him joy.  These are tough questions to ask someone who feels they have a responsibility to support people they’ve allowed to become dependent upon them.  He and his wife went through a messy divorce and earlier this year, she moved back in.  Now, however, she has unknown health problems, so he’s always driving her around to doctors.  If he’s not giving her attention, she complains. His business has taken a nose dive since he’s a sole proprietor and now has to make all his business appointments around her schedule.  He quit smoking and drinking last year after the divorce and now, because she’s the same abusive person but now supposedly sick as well, he’s back to smoking and drinking again to handle it.  He’s having serious health issues because of it.  Her elder sister moved in with them a few months ago, but instead of helping, he’s now catering to two people who are sucking the life out of him.  Literally.  You are the only one who knows whether you feel nurtured.  In general.  By anyone.  You are the only one who perceives whether those you nurture owe you something in return.  Continue reading

Every road trip is an adventure, a blind tarot reading in the car

I had a productive yet relaxing day yesterday.  I worked in the morning, then spent the afternoon running errands with a friend, having lunch, napping.   I asked if he wanted to go to a solstice celebration or drumming circle tomorrow evening 12-21-12, so we may. We’re on the same page, we wait to see how we feel as time approaches rather than carving in stone where we might want to be later.  Often sleep wins out over evening events for me.  I’ve not gone to the gatherings since he returned in Spring, so I am just now getting back into the flow.  I enjoy my solitary celebrations and practices here but also miss the community of shared interest.  I’m also getting my sleep schedule back under control!

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To Ms. Jump To Conclusions: I am not out to get your man

If you’ve seen emails or messages from me to your man, instead of getting riled up for nothing and sending me confrontational emails, please have him open them in front of you.  I’d rather you be ticked at him for secretly undertaking meditation instruction than whatever else you think we’re doing.  Fer realz.  No hard feelingz.  As you were.

Meditation links

When you feel you’ve been broken, take care what comfort you attract

The heart heals as quickly as we allow it to

The heart heals as quickly as we allow it to

Sometimes your heart opens wide for one person and another falls into it.  Sometimes your heart has been broken and the cracks allow in more grief and pain before the healing begins.  Rather than heal our wounds from the inside, we seek an outside balm.  Those in pain attract the wounded. Under the guise of the healer, the wounded offer guidance about what they do not fully understand yet themselves, because that is how they unconsciously work it out with themselves.  Domino spends hours each week offering compassionate relationship advice to potential suitors. In his own life he is in two relationships with women who do not know of each other. Both think they are the primary partner, both complain of his lack of personal communication skills.  Yet they hear him on the phone telling others how to fix the same problem in their life and establishing emotional intimacy with them, while those he professes to love are starving for it. He does not make closure with past mates, who continue to contact him. WTF?  Continue reading

If you liked What The Bleep Do We Know then you’ll enjoy this explanation of the solar alignment on 12-21-12

If you liked What The Bleep Do We Know then you’ll enjoy this.    Here’s a scientificy explanation of the solar alignment on 12-21-12. Ah, good to know, we may get 3 nights of no sunrise, maybe it means 3 days and nights of no electrical power, maybe no power for anything, even batteries… knowing ahead of time means don’t freak, just relax into it and let it pass. Oh, and the sun may thereafter rise in the west…Then the cycle begins again… What do you think? Continue reading