When you feel you’ve been broken, take care what comfort you attract

The heart heals as quickly as we allow it to

The heart heals as quickly as we allow it to

Sometimes your heart opens wide for one person and another falls into it.  Sometimes your heart has been broken and the cracks allow in more grief and pain before the healing begins.  Rather than heal our wounds from the inside, we seek an outside balm.  Those in pain attract the wounded. Under the guise of the healer, the wounded offer guidance about what they do not fully understand yet themselves, because that is how they unconsciously work it out with themselves.  Domino spends hours each week offering compassionate relationship advice to potential suitors. In his own life he is in two relationships with women who do not know of each other. Both think they are the primary partner, both complain of his lack of personal communication skills.  Yet they hear him on the phone telling others how to fix the same problem in their life and establishing emotional intimacy with them, while those he professes to love are starving for it. He does not make closure with past mates, who continue to contact him. WTF? 

I am not defending his actions, but that is how we work our problems out, by interacting with those we attract.  In each case, he counseled them after their breakup and that was how they got to know each other.  In each case, emotional intimacy was the lure that initially drew them in, yet that disappeared as soon as his attention went to the newer and shinier dime.   Just because he’s learned the phrases that offer insight does not mean he understands those insights himself.   Sometimes the only way our soul will allow us to learn a lesson is under the guise of teaching it to someone else.  The soul cannot be muted for long, not even by a personality that constantly demands attention and input.

Never doubt that a lesson is taking place. Never doubt that rejection is protection. My advice to both women is: keep your attention focused on something that pleases you and, when you encounter something that does not please you, pivot your attention immediately to something that does. If that means dropping from your life someone who constantly says one thing and does another and won’t discuss anything, someone who you feel isn’t walking their talk, then so be it. You don’t want to be with someone like that anyway.  Being with someone who doesn’t honor you enough to communicate honestly is someone who can only keep you in vibrational resonance with an unsatisfying love life.  If you settle for that, that’s your choice.  Most who do not move do not notice their chains.  These two are beginning to notice theirs.